
Morfología y Biología Celular

Morphology and Cell Biology

The Department of Morphology and Cell Biology Department of the University of Oviedo comprises the areas of knowledge of Human Anatomy and Embryology, Cell Biology. It is the body in charge of organising, teaching, and coordinating the teaching of these areas of knowledge.

It is also the basic body responsible for organising and developing research in these areas of knowledge, supporting and promoting the research activities and initiatives of the teaching staff.

The Department of Morphology and Cell Biology is currently located in the building of the Faculty of Medicine, in the Campus del Cristo of the University of Oviedo.

Datos de contacto
Correo electrónico: carro@uniovi.es
Dirección: Campus del Cristo. C/Julián Clavería Nº.6. 33006 - Oviedo
Teléfono: 985 10 36 14
Fax: 985 10 36 18
Información académica: Academic Information


Mrs. María del Carmen Rodríguez Sánchez
985 10 30 57


Mr. Antolín González Isaac


Teaching centres