
Filología Clásica y Románica

Classical and Romance Philology

The Classical and Romance Philology Department is the teaching and research unit responsible for coordinating, in accordance with the university’s teaching programme, the teaching of the six areas of knowledge within its competence: Latin Philology, Greek Philology, Indo-European Linguistics, Romance Philology, Italian Philology and Galician and Portuguese Philology. It is also dedicated to supporting and promoting the teaching and research activities and initiatives of the teaching staff.

Datos de contacto
Correo electrónico: dpto.filocyr@uniovi.es
Dirección: Campus de El Milán Edificio Departamental 1ª Planta C/ Amparo Pedregal s/n 33011 OVIEDO
Teléfono: 985 10 45 90
Fax: 985 10 45 91
Información académica: Academic Information, Staff Information


Mrs. Lucía Rodríguez-Noriega Guillén


Mr. Pedro Alvarez Cifuentes


  • Galician and Portuguese Philology
  • Greek Philology
  • Italian Philology
  • Latin Philology
  • Romance Philology
  • Indo-European Linguistics

Teaching Staff

Teaching centres


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