
Experto en Interculturalidad, Justicia y Cambio Global

University Expert in Interculturality, Justice and Global Change
Datos generales

Idiomas: Spanish, English, French (one or two required)

Plazas: 50

Número mínimo: 10

Duración: 1 february 2023 to 31 March 2023 (23 ECTS)

Precio: 300 €


The main access requirement is to hold an official university degree or master's degree. Exceptionally, professionals directly related with the contents of the specific-degree may be granted access, even if they do not hold an official degree. In such case, they must demonstrate their situation and meet the legal requirements to take courses at the University of Oviedo (Acuerdo de 29 de noviembre de 2007, del Consejo de Gobierno de la Universidad de Oviedo por el que se aprueba el reglamento de estudios conducentes a Títulos Propios y otros Cursos de Postgrado –BOPA, 12 de enero de 2008).

Should the applications received exceed the number of spaces, candidates will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Academic marks (4 points)
  2. Motivation letter and CV (6 points)

Grants: Various entities and lecturers are collaborating to bring down the registration fee and there is the opportunity to apply to one of the 10 enrolment grants (please explain your situation in the motivation letter; a candidate interview may be set up to this end).

Preinscripción: https://directo.uniovi.es/PreinscripcionEP/index.asp?gestora=TITPROPI


En caso de que haya más solicitudes que plazas, se tendrán en cuenta, además, los siguientes criterios:

  1. Expediente académico (4 puntos)
  2. Carta de motivación y CV del aspirante (6 puntos).

Tras la preinscripción del alumnado, la coordinación realiza la adjudicación de becas de entre las personas solicitantes, atendiendo a sus condicionantes económicos y a sus calificaciones académicas. Después, es el CIP quien realiza las matrículas.

Modalidad: All the sessions will be transmitted through the virtual campus for all lecturers and students who are not in Oviedo. Moreover, those who want can attend the classroom at the Faculty of Philosophy (University of Oviedo) where they will be delivered or transmitted when the lecturer participates online.


1 february 2023 to 31 March 2023.

  • 3:30pm to 7:30pm (Madrid time zone)

Lugar: Department of Philosophy, University of Oviedo

Salidas profesionales:

Offered by the University of Oviedo, this specific-degree aims to train professionals to identify and analyse in depth major contemporary phenomena and the challenges relating to cultural globalization processes using various theoretical perspectives from the realm of the interculturality. Students will acquire the resources necessary to design social, geographical, political, linguistic, pedagogical, existential and development intercultural projects while integrating the decolonisation of knowledge. This specific-degree acts as a meeting point among different cultures, a source reflection and a debate forum for graduates from different disciplines. It encourages students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to follow the course.

Plan de estudios

The specific-degree of University Expert in Interculturality, Justice and Global Change has a duration of 172.5h, organized in the second semester with a total of 23 ECTS credits.  


Global justice. Migration, poverty and development

  • Traditional and modern African political theory  
  • Development theory in the African context
  • Technology and development in Africa
  • Theories of justice and the challenges of globalization: concepts of global justice
  • Political philosophy and migration
  • Injustice and epistemic violence in colonial thought and epistemic resistance strategies for the decolonialisation of knowledge
  • Poverty, development aid and intercultural dialogue

Geographical dimension of interculturality and global change: cultures and heritage, territories and human development

  • Territory and landscape: the special and temporal dynamics of culture. Is geography a weapon for war?
  • Technology, industry, freedom and environment
  • Vulnerabilisation mechanisms in marginal spaces
  • Geographical spaces of international tourism. Tourism as a path for the propagation of a globalising culture
  • Geographical perspective of interculturality in Africa
  • Landscape and the cultural expression of a human group and its activities. Agrarian and mining spaces in the 21st century
  • Rural landscapes: the homogenisation of resource extraction and production spaces
  • Urban landscapes. Recent transformations in a globalised world. Social organisation in building, management and living places in urban spaces
  • Development geographies. Human development. Inequalities and social injustice. Differential factors
  • Territory and identity. Perspective and scale. Multiscale analysis
  • Childhood geographies in Puerto Rican diasporic literature
  • Hierarchical digital territorialisations that shape current identities. New emancipatory technofeminist perspectives
  • Interculturality in the intergenerational realm: ethnographic and ecomuseums in Asturias

Comparative philosophy

  • Resources and methods of comparative philosophy
  • Introduction to Indian philosophy
  • Introduction to African philosophy, the concept of "Ubuntu" and the African view of human rights
  • Introduction to Náhuatl thought
  • Introduction to P'uhépecha thought
  • Metaontology of interculturality

Intercultural theories and projects

  • Interculturality and education
  • Interculturality and racism in the association Asturias Acoge
  • The cultural practice of the dowry in current African societies. Peasant organisations in Cameroon and the promotion of local development
  • Interculturality and law
  • Afro-American influences in 20th-century Spain
  • The construction of multilingual identities in (post)migratory contexts

Final work

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