
Grupo de teatro

Theatre group, a key part of the cultural offering

The University of Oviedo has an important pool of talent in the world of the stage. One of the most successful activities among university students is the Theatre Group.

The performing arts are one of the key elements of the cultural offer of the University of Oviedo. The Theatre Group of the University of Oviedo (GTUO) is mainly made up of students, who participate in the university theatre cycles and perform in theatres, cultural centres, and other venues.

Apart from staging different productions, the University Theatre Group promotes exchange with other university groups, mainly the Universities integrated in the G9 Group.

Its headquarters are in the Aulario A of the Campus del Milán (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts) and the different activities and performances linked to the GTUO are organised by the Vice-rectorate for University Extension and Cultural Projection.

The programme consists of two courses: initiation and staging. In the first case, students are given a practical introduction to the art of acting, gesticulating, declaiming, imitating, moving... In other words, they are taught the essential tools for acting (the use of the body, emotion, and voice), as well as the different theatrical techniques: art comedy, oriental theatre, improvisation, while emphasis is placed on the use of the word as an essential tool for any actor.

In the second course, students will do an acting practice consisting of the staging of a show that will be performed in different locations in Asturias.

At the end of the activity, students enrolled at the University of Oviedo who have been credited with a participation of at least 90% of the established hours will be able to validate their participation for 3 ECTS credits.

The activity is complemented with several theatre workshops that put on stage some of the best current national productions and the theatre made in Asturias, complementing and enriching the theatrical practice. All the performances organised by University Extension are free and open to the whole of society.

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