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Corporative e-mail


The University of Oviedo offers a service of e-mail to its staff, students and, in general, to any person who currently has a labor or academic relation with the institution.

Colectivo solicitante

Any member of the university community (Students, Teachers and Service Staff) and any person related to the institution.

Organismo responsable

IT and Communications Service of the University of Oviedo (https://sic.uniovi.es/

Contacto responsable

IT and Communications Service


Plaza de Riego. Historical Building (Alley), 3rd Floor. 33003 - Oviedo
985 10 40 21

All the users of the service must comply at all times with its terms of use. The University of Oviedo has the option to block and delete any corporative e-mail account within the framework of the regulations established. Apart from any complementary regulation, the use of the e-mail accounts must abide by the following guidelines, approved by the IT Committee of the University of Oviedo (V0.4 approved on 03/06/2003): https://sic.uniovi.es/informatica/correo

Solicitud online
Online application’s service
Formas de solicitar

Online application’s service

Proceso de solicitud

The e-mail accounts are created in different ways:

  • The accounts of the students are created during the process of enrollment. Thus, it is not necessary to make a explicitly apply for it.
  • The accounts of the Staff are created when their contract with the Institution is formalized. As it is the case with the student accounts, it is not necessary to explicitly apply for one.
  • The creation of the rest of the accounts requires a formal request with the corresponding application form for e-mail accounts.
Información adicional

E-mail accounts can be accessed in two ways:

All the users have a maximum quota of storage assigned. It is important to bear in mind that if this quota is reached, no e-mails will be received by the account until storage is freed. It is up to each user to keep enough free space in their account for it to properly receive e-mails.