Idiomas: Spanish
Plazas: 15
Número mínimo: 12
Duración: November 2014- June 2015 (60 ECTS credits)
Precio: 5.700 €
Being in possession of an official University Degree. Nevertheless, exceptionally, admission will be extended to professionals directly related to to the speciality of the course who lack a Degree, as long as they prove their professional careers and meet the legal criteria to access University courses.
Please check the Agreement of November 29, 2007 of the Governing Council of the University of Oviedo, which approves the regulation of studies leading to Certificate Degrees and other Postgraduate Degrees (BOPA, January 12, 2008).
This Master's course is addressed to executives, middle-management posts and entrepreneurs with at least 1 year of experience in the field of management. We accept graduates from any field, business administration, legal or social sciences. The programme aims to integrate professionals from the different industrial and functional fields of a company.
Candidates are required to be graduates.
Modalidad: Attendance required
September 29, 2023 to July 6, 2024, 68 sessions in 34 weeks
Lugar: University Business Institute (IUDE)
Web oficial:
Salidas profesionales:
The complexity of the modern business environment requires from business organizations to be provided with highly trained executives able to get an overview of the company and of the interactions between the different functional areas in order to respond flexibly and efficiently to rapidly changing competitive demands.
The Master's Degree in Executive Business Administration aims to develop both the general business management skills of professionals with prior experience and University training and the specific skills necessary to undertake positions of leadership and responsibility in middle- management positions.
Therefore, on completion of the Master's course, students will be able to develop their professional practice as:
- Head or business manager
- Head of strategic planning
- Chief financial officer
- Chief marketing officer
- Commercial manager
- Head of human resources
El Máster en Dirección de Empresas- MBA Ejecutivo del IUDE se estructura en torno a nueve asignaturas de carácter obligatorio que se imparten a lo largo de 10 meses con un total de 60 créditos ECTS.
- Fundamentos y Marco Regulador de la Empresa (4 ECTS)
- Dirección Estratégica (7 ECTS)
- Habilidades Directivas (6 ECTS)
- Dirección de Recursos Humanos (6 ECTS)
- Marketing (7 ECTS)
- Dirección Financiera (7 ECTS)
- Dirección de Operaciones, Tecnología y TIC's (6 ECTS)
- Business Game (2 ECTS)
- Proyecto Empresarial Fin de Máster (15 ECTS)
University Business Institute (IUDE)
C/ González Besada 13, 4th Floor
33007 Oviedo
Teléfono: 985 10 30 19 uniovi-master-fax: 98510 30 45 Correo:
Director: Esteban García Canal
Teléfono: 985 10 30 20