Idiomas: Spanish
Plazas: 18
Número mínimo: 15
Duración: 22 créditos ECTS
Precio: 1.150 €
Being in possession of an official University Degree. Nevertheless, exceptionally, admission will be extended to professionals directly related to to the speciality of the course who lack a Degree, as long as they prove their professional careers and meet the legal criteria to access University courses. Please check the Agreement of November 29, 2007 of the Governing Council of the University of Oviedo, which approves the regulation of studies leading to Certificate Degrees and other Postgraduate Degrees (BOPA, January 12, 2008).
Admission requirements
Modalidad: Attendance required
October 2, 2023 to May 11, 2024.
Lugar: Central University Hospital of Asturias
Salidas profesionales:
Professional profile: On completion of the Course, the student will have gained the skills necessary to work as a nurne at the dialysis services. Students who successfully complete the course will be offered an employment contract preferably in the field and according to the criteria of the Asturian Health Service (SESPA). Academic profile: The course allows sutdents to improve their professional score.
The XVII EXPERT'S DEGREE IN DIALYSIS NURSING lats from October to May and is organized into two semester to complet 2O ECTS credits.
Theoretical contents: renal anatomy. Hemodialysis techniques in its various forms. Complication of CKD (chronic kidney disease) in hemodialysis treatment. Nursing care and its methodology. Transplantation and economic aspects of CKD. Basic research of nursing care.
Seminars: Fresenius monitor. Miroclav monitor. Functioning of the Dialysis Unit. Nutrition. Nursing care of the hospitalized hemodialysis patient. Literature search.
Internships: care of real patients
Individual and group work.
Cármen Fernández Merayo. Mª del Carmen Díaz Corte
Cármen Fernández Merayo. Supervisora de Enfermería. Servicio de Diálisis. HUCA.
Teléfono: 985107897 Correo: -
Mª del Carmen Díaz Corte: Directora AGC Nefrología HUCA. Profesor Asociado Ciencias de la Salud
Teléfono: 985107897 Correo: Office: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. University of Oviedo.