
Especialista Universitario en Protocolo y Ceremonial del Estado e Internacional

Specialist's Degree in State, International & Ceremonial Protocol
Datos generales

Idiomas: Spanish

Plazas: 50

Número mínimo: 8

Duración: Tres semanas, 35 (créditos ECTS), Créditos teóricos 5,3, Créditos otras actividades: 29,7

Precio: 2.400 €


Being in possession of an official University Degree. Nevertheless, exceptionally, admission will be extended to professionals directly related to to the speciality of the course who lack a Degree, as long as they prove their professional careers and meet the legal criteria to access University courses.

Please check the Agreement of November 29, 2007 of the Governing Council of the University of Oviedo, which approves the regulation of studies leading to Certificate Degrees and other Postgraduate Degrees (BOPA, January 12, 2008).


Dirigido a titulados universitarios medios o superiores y, excepcionalmente, a aquellas personas que desarrollan su trabajo profesional en el campo del Protocolo en la Administración Pública o en la Empresa que carezcan de titulación, siempre que acrediten documentalmente el ejercicio de esta profesionalidad y reúnan los requisitos legales para cursar estudios en la Universidad (COU, FP 2 o Prueba de Acceso para mayores de 25 años).

La selección de los preinscritos se realizará en atención a los méritos que acrediten por los estudios realizados, y por las actividades llevadas a cabo en el ámbito del protocolo



  • Del 29 de enero a 26 de octubre de 2024


  • I MODULO (enero/febrero 2024)
  • II MODULO (mayo 2024)
  • III MODULO (octubre 2024)

Modalidad: Attendance required


En los periodos de realización, en horario de  9 a 14 h. y 16 a 20 h. Lunes a sábado por la mañana.


  • MAEC Diplomatic School of Madrid
  • Historical Building (Oviedo).



  • Del 29 de enero a 26 de octubre de 2024


  • I MODULO (enero/febrero 2024)
  • II MODULO (mayo 2024)
  • III MODULO (octubre 2024)

Salidas profesionales:

One of the key aims of the course is to provide students with an excellent training towards a labour market increasingly demanding emerging with unsual strength in the world of protocol due to the growing interest both in the public institutions and the private companies to provide an outward image of efficiency and rigor that transmits reliably the internal values of the organization.

The greatest concern of the Department for Protocol over the years the course has been taught, not to mention all those willing to expand their knowledge or still their curiosity, has been precisely how to guide the students and train them to perform a gainful activity requiring a comprehensive and varied education. The "career goal" is present in all the efforts of the Department for Protocol and the teachers, many of them excellent and highly qualified professionals of the field, who address their lessons and lectures to issues raised by the practical development of protocol. The goal seems to be satisfied with a double and undeniable evidence. First, the high number of students who, occupying relevant positions in protocol cabinets, offices and departments, not only in Spain, but also abroad, mainly in Latin America (Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Santo Domingo) as well as in the former countries of Eastern Europe, are willing to acquire training in protocol and knowing that this discipline is taught at the University of Oviedo, both at its classrooms and at the Diplomatic School of Madrid, attend the course with a desire to receive useful lessons and get a specific degree of prestige that would be unable to get at their Universities. Secondly, the equally significant number of students, who find a job in this field after completion of our course.

Plan de estudios

This is a 3-week course organized into thre modules to complet 35 ECTS credits.

    • The structure of the Spanish State.
    • Contemporary socio-political systems.
    • Right reward system.
    • Universal principles of protocol.
    • Ceremonial and etiquette.
    • Sociology.
    • Image and Communication.
    • Decorations.
    • Setting up scenarios.
    • Manifestations of State protocol.
    • Protocol organization in international bodies.
    • UE safety.
    • The diplomatic corps.
    • Forms of address, format of official documents.
    • Military honours.
    • Municipal protocol, legislation and its traditions.
    • Heraldry, vexilollogy and orders.
    • The Islam.
    • Protocol and special ceremonial.
    • Protocol and State visits.
    • International conferences.
    • Ceremonial events of the Head of State at the Royal Palace.
    • Protocol at The Courts.
    • Protocol of Public Bodies.
    • Civil authorities in religious events.
    • The company.
    • Test of events at barracks.
    • Sociological applications to the world of Protocol.
    • Nobility and heraldry.
    • Protocol from the Presidency of the Government to its international relations.
    • Test of official and religious events.
    • Social Mass Media in the programme structure of events.
    • Image assistants.
    • Informatics.
    • Academic events.
    • Official dinners.
    • Protocol at fairs, congressess and companies.
    • The impact of music on the organization of events.
    • Graphic arts and other instrumental disciplines.

  • Honorary Director: Felio A. Vilarrubias

  • Pablo Batlle / Julio Carbajo

    Teléfono: 985 10 39 28 Correo: jcarbajo@uniovi.es Office: Department of Private and Business Law. University of Oviedo.