
Convenios de movilidad

Mobility agreements

The International Agreements programme offers more than 70 places at universities in Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, USA, France, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Taiwan, and Tunisia with which the University of Oviedo has cooperation agreements that allow students to study part of their studies there.

The programme of international agreements offers very flexible formulas for international mobility such as summer courses and, in some cases, allows students to obtain a degree from the host university.

These agreements offer official studies (bachelor, master or doctoral degrees) and guarantee full academic recognition. There are agreements that allow the degree to be awarded by the host university. There are also some summer courses.


Who can apply for a mobility?

All students enrolled at the University of Oviedo in regulated undergraduate or postgraduate studies can apply for a mobility agreement. They will have to start the procedures for their stay abroad at the beginning of the academic year prior to their mobility.

Under what financial conditions will I go?

The cooperation agreements indicate, in each case, whether free tuition fees and/or travel grants are available.

How is the screening made?

Screening is based on the student's academic record, the score in the compulsory language test and, if applicable, an interview to assess maturity and oral fluency in the language. Participation in the annual Tandem programme and the a-dUO programme also counts.

Students interested in applying for an agreement mobility can consult on the Intranet of the University of Oviedo the evolution of the last call of the programme: application deadlines, required documents, language tests, admission lists...