
Ayudas gestionadas por el Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Empleabilidad

Scholarships and grants managed by the Vice-Rectorate for Students

The management of each grant, once it has been announced, can be followed on the intranet: The management of each grant, once it has been announced, can be followed on the intranet https://intranet.uniovi.es/convocatorias/estudiantes

Grants and Agreements Section

Enquiries about Grants and Scholarships

We will attend you by e-mail: ayudasypracticas@uniovi.es

If you need more personalised attention, please give us your telephone number in the e-mail and we will contact you within 24 hours at the latest.

Grants from the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students

Grants financed by individuals or legal entities

Collaboration grants

Direct grants

Paid internships

Grants from the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students

Grants for students

Grants for educational, cultural, professional and scientific promotion (transport for group trips and visits, transport for external curricular internships, for collective cultural and academic projects or activities, for the presentation of papers at congresses and scientific meetings, attendance of student representatives at meetings, for activities organised by university student associations, for transport for university dissemination activities).

Enrolment grants

Grants to cover public tuition fees for official bachelor's and master's degree courses that qualify or are a necessary condition for the exercise of a regulated profession.

Urgent need tuition assistance

Aid for the payment of public tuition fees for official bachelor's and official master's degree studies that qualify or are a necessary condition for the exercise of a regulated profession for students whose family economic situation has led to a drastic reduction in income, derived from any of the causes listed in the call (death, unemployment, serious illness or accident, addictive disorder, total permanent disability or victims of domestic violence of one of the main breadwinners of the family unit.

Accommodation Mieres Residence Hall

Grants for students to partially cover the cost of accommodation in the University Residence of Mieres.

Accommodation in geological camps

Grants for students to finance accommodation in geological camps for undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Geology and the Master's Degree in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering at the University of Oviedo.

Grants to cover the costs of students' daily commuting expenses from their family home to the study centre, as well as the purchase of teaching and/or computer equipment.

Grants for students registered in Corvera Town Council (Financed by Corvera Town Council)

Aid for students of the University of Oviedo registered in the Municipality of Corvera de Asturias to cover daily travel expenses, as well as the purchase of teaching materials and / or computer equipment.

Grants for students registered in Gozón Town Council (Financed by Gozón Town Council)

Grants for students of the University of Oviedo registered in the municipality of Gozón to cover daily travel expenses, as well as the purchase of teaching materials and / or computer equipment.

Grants for students registered in Llanera Town Council (Financed by Llanera Town Council)

Grants for students of the University of Oviedo registered in the Municipality of Llanera to cover daily travel expenses, as well as the purchase of teaching materials and / or computer equipment.

Santander Progreso Grants

Grants for students of the University of Oviedo who have been awarded a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training or an equivalent grant from the Department of Education of the Basque Government, in the academic year 2021-2022.

Collaboration grants

Collaboration grants for Computer Services

Collaboration Grants for Students for the Computer Services of the University of Oviedo

Collaboration grants for University Services

Collaboration grants for students for different university services (Student Council, Chair of Global Food Governance Studies, Technical Quality Unit, School of Sports Medicine, Equality Unit, Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, Publications Service, Office for people with specific needs (ONEO), Area of Cooperation with Business and Employability, and Heritage, Exhibitions and Protocol).

Collaboration grants for the Language Standardisation Services

Direct Grants

Transport grants for students with disabilities

Transport grants for students with reduced physical mobility.

Paid internships

ONCE Foundation

Grants for external internships for university students with disabilities under the ONCE Foundation-CRUE Internship-Scholarship Programme.

Sabadell Bank

Grants for external internships for students of the University of Oviedo, within the framework of the External Internship Programme financed by the Banco Sabadell Foundation, thus promoting the improvement of their employability and their professional future.
