
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Química


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Prácticas en Empresa II

Código asignatura
Primer Semestre
Prácticas Externas
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
Guía docente

Regulatory framework: Regulation of external academic practices according to RD 592/2014 of June 11 and Regulation of External Practices of the University of Oviedo according to agreement of October 14, 2014 of the Governing Council of the University of Oviedo. 

Definition of internships: Training activities carried out by university students in a company, entity or organization, of a public or private nature (including the University of Oviedo itself) that comply with the provisions of the regulations, considering the following aspects:

  • They will be supervised by : two tutors: one academic, professor at the University of Oviedo, and a tutor by the company, entity or organization.
  • Given its formative nature, the realization of these internships will not imply, in any case, employment or contractual relationship, or other type of relationship, between the student and the company or entity in which the internships are developed .

For the coverage of possible contingencies that may arise in the development of extracurricular internships (defined below), before their start, the University of Oviedo will subscribe an accident and civil liability policy that will include all students who carry them out within Spanish territory

The internships in a company will be associated with the homonymous subjects of the study plan in which the student must be enrolled.

For internships agreed between the student and a company (and academic tutor, if applicable), it is possible to start the internship without being enrolled, and enroll in the following academic year.

  • CGOPS5. Be competent in the management and implementation of verification and control of facilities, processes and products, as well as certifications, audits, inspections, tests and reports.
  • CIPP5. Be competent in management and supervision of all kinds of facilities, processes, systems and services related to the different industrial areas of chemical engineering. Ensure fitness for purpose (including operation, maintenance, reliability, etc.).
  • CG7. Be able to integrate knowledge and take decisions under conditions of uncertainty, including the consideration of reflections based on ethical and social responsibilities.
  • Show good technical communication skills, both oral and written.

There are two modalities:

1.- Internships II. 9 credits (180 h)

2.- Internships I y II developing at the same time the Master's Thesis (18 credits) in the company. Up to 30 credits. Maximum 240 + 450 = 690 hours. The previous definition of the title of the Master's Thesis is required, establishing the project on which it will be based, objectives, development and conclusions. The Master's Thesis will be carried out within the framework of the corresponding regulations and following the guidelines indicated in the corresponding Teaching Guide.

When can you do an internship?

At any time, once the student is enrolled in the Master.

There are two possibilities:

1. Agree with a company (and optionally, also a tutor) an internship – Procedure open all year

The active participation of students in the process of finding internships will be encouraged; consequently, they will be given the appropriate training and information and will be provided with support in the necessary procedures.

Students can apply (using Form 1) for external internships in a specific company, entity or institution with the approval of this and prior report of the Master's internship coordinator. You can also add a professor who endorses the application and shows his willingness to act as an academic tutor of the internships. The company, entity or institution must have signed, or where appropriate subscribe, a collaboration agreement with the University.

The student must consult with the Master's Internship Coordinator in order to rule on the suitability of the internship for the purposes of their potential academic recognition. If it is reported positively, the student in question communicates it to the company and Annex I Training Project must be signed by all parties (http://iqtma.quimica.uniovi.es/masterIQ/files/2022_Anexo I_Proyecto Formativo.doc).

2. Go to the internship exchange offered in which companies request a student

In this case, the company contacts the Master's Internship Coordination, who collects all the offers and assigns the tutors. In July the assignment process is carried out taking into account:

  1. If the company wishes, it carries out the selection itself, for which the students interested in it will prepare a CV and the Internship Coordinator will transfer them to the company. The company may also conduct an interview.
  2. In the event that the company does not wish to carry out the selection, the assignment will be made according to:
    1. The average grade of the students, taking into account that the students who have more approved credits have preference
    2. The preferences of the students.

How can you find a company / entity, to do internships?

  • Speaking directly to a company. If it is a medium or large company, you should generally talk to the Human Resources Department or similar. The student must bear in mind that:
    • Some companies value the student's initiative very positively. The company is likely to conduct a short interview with you. For this it is important that you are well informed about the company, that you are clear about why you want to do an internship in that company and that you have some idea of where you think you could fit well in the company (in which Department, activity, for example).
    • Some companies offer facilities for family members of employees to carry out internships.
    • There are companies that will not be able to host internships. In any case, nobody will find it inappropriate to try to get an internship in their company.
  • Through a specific scholarship/internship program such as the EDP Scholarships, the Banco Sabadell/Herrero Scholarship, the CRUE-Banco Santander Scholarships. They are usually awarded by the academic record.
  • Through some professors who maintain regular collaborations with some companies.
  • Through the Master's internship exchange.

Is any company worth it?

NO. It is essential that the company has signed an Educational Cooperation Agreement with the University of Oviedo. Many do. If they don't have it, they can usually subscribe to it on the fly without major inconveniences.

How long do the internships have to last to be used for the course "Internships"?

1.- Internship II. 9  credits (180 h)

2.- Internship (I and / or II) developing at the same time the Master's Thesis (18 credits) in the company. Up to 30 credits. Maximum 240 + 450 = 690 hours.

When does the student enroll in the course?

Registration is always done in official periods. In any case, to carry out internships in the companies of the internship pool it is necessary to be registered. 

For the internships agreed between the student and a company (and academic tutor, if applicable), it is possible to start the internship without being enrolled, and enroll in the next following academic year. It will also be applicable when there are internships on the Master´s pool that have not been covered with the enrolled students.

How is the assignment process from the Master´s internship pool?

In May the list of all the internships received in which the company requests the assignment of a student will be published. The student will have a period to indicate their preferences through telematics means (Virtual Campus).

In July, the assignment process is carried out according to the criteria indicated above. The result of the assignment shall be made public. In the event that there are vacancies, a new period of allocation of vacancies will be established.

Companies or entities may conduct an interview with the selected candidate. In the event that the interview results in an inadmissibility of the candidate, the company must justify it in writing addressed to the university service that proposed the student. The student who does not pass this interview will rejoin the process of awarding internships.

What happens if the student rejects a practice that has requested?

The student who refuses or does not show up for a requested internship will move to the last position in the order of preference of future assignments.

What does the student have to do once the practice has finished?

It informs the Internship Coordinator of the Master.

How is practice evaluated?

The tutor of the University is the one who puts the note valuing the memory of the internship (Form 3) that the student sends him at the end of the practice, the report of the company tutor (Form 4) that he must send to the University tutor by e-mail, and the follow-up of internship.

What should the internship report contain?

The report (Form 3) must have, at least, the following:

    • Personal data of the student.
    • Name of the company or entity and place of location.
    • Brief description of the company or entity.
    • Concrete and detailed description of the tasks and work carried out, indicating the Department/s of the company to which he has been assigned.
    • Relationship of the tasks developed with the knowledge acquired in university studies.
    • Identification of the contributions that, in terms of learning, have meant the practices, specifying their degree of satisfaction with them.
    • Analysis of the characteristics and professional profile of the position/s you have held.
    • Evaluation and suggestions for improvement.

For the exchange of documentation with the academic tutor, the email or Virtual Campus will be used. The memory of the practices must be uploaded to Virtual Campus and the email will be used for any other documentation that is requested or that you want to send to the tutor for the follow-up of the practice

What are the student's duties to the University?

  • Comply with the activities established in the course schedule.
  • Notify the academic tutor any incident or claim.
  • Deliver to your academic tutor the final report of the work developed (Form 3) and to the Internship Coordinator the questionnaire for the evaluation of the internship (Form 2) within the maximum deadlines set.
  • If required, present the final report at the conclusion of the practice to a Internship Assessment Commission.

What are the student's duties to the company or entity?

  • Join the entity in question on the agreed date. 
  • Comply with the schedule
  • Respect the operating rules of the entity.
  • Develop the training plan and diligently comply with the activities assigned by the entity in accordance with the lines of work established in the training contract.
  • Keep confidentiality in relation to the internal information of the entity and not exploit those works carried out in the internship without the express authorization of the company.
  • In case of lack of assistance due to illness or accident that supposes in global calculation more than fifteen calendar days or five consecutive days, the student will have to resume the interrupted practices for the remaining period until completing the initially planned. However, absences resulting from illness or accident that are duly justified and that do not exceed these temporary limits in global computation will not be recoverable.

What are the student's rights?

  • Attend the exams, evaluation tests and other compulsory activities of the courses in which they are enrolled, as well as the meetings of the collegiate governing bodies of the University prior communication to the company or entity.
  • When the regulated internships have been interrupted due to non-compliance by the entity with the conditions established in the call for internships and after the approval of the Internship Coordinator:
    • The period carried out may be computed as credits of "external practices", provided that the final assessment of the academic tutor is satisfactory.
    • The student will move to the top of the list of students in the next round of internships of the academic year, maintaining the order of initial record scoring in case there is more than one student in that situation.
  • Receive the economic contribution by the entity in concept of as a bag or study aid for compensation of expenses, if any.

Does the student have the right to charge anything?

NO, unless in the internship offer the company has set an economic amount as a bag or study aid. In this case, the company will pay the indicated amount directly to the student.

When does the report have to be delivered to the academic tutor?

Within the maximum deadlines set, which will appear in Virtual Campus and will be communicated well in advance and, in any case, before the end of the exam period of the corresponding call, the student must have uploaded the report to Virtual Campus, (Form 3). Failure to comply with this last section will imply that the score in that call will be "not presented".

When does the valuation report have to be submitted?

In the maximum deadlines set, which will appear in Virtual Campus and that will be communicated well in advance and, in any case, before the end of the exam period of the corresponding call, the student must have uploaded to Virtual Campus the assessment report (Form 2).

All the forms mentioned in this guide are available on the Virtual Campus and on the Master's website (http://iqtma.quimica.uniovi.es/masterIQ/informacion.html#Prácticas en empresa). They can also be requested from the Coordination of the Master and the Coordinator of the course.