
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Química


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Análisis y Síntesis de Procesos Químicos

Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Clases Expositivas (20 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (12 Hours)
Guía docente

The subject 'Advanced Pollution Control Technologies' is part of the module 'Process and Product Engineering', and is an elective subject in the second semester of the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Oviedo. The subject is taught by professors from both the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies, and external professors from outside the University of Oviedo.

In the course of their professional career, a Chemical Engineer may encounter environmental issues that require the application of appropriate corrective measures, making it important to have skills in this area.

This subject can be considered as a unifying element between the knowledge acquired in the undergraduate courses of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering, and industrial reality. In this sense, all the knowledge acquired up to this point will be applied in solving specific problems in the field of treatment of gas streams, liquid streams, waste and soil treatments, under the common perspective of prevention and integrated pollution control. To achieve this, the best available techniques for treating each of the blocks will be applied, taking into account the industrial sector considered in each practical case."

The only requirements are those mandatory for admission to the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering.

However, it is recommended, for better performance in the subject, that the student has taken Environmental Engineering courses. Personalized tutoring will be offered to reinforce fundamental aspects that the student may be weaker in.

The competencies that will be worked on in this subject are:

CG1: Be able to apply the scientific method and the principles of engineering and economy to formulate and solve complex problems of processes, operations, systems and services where matter changes in composition, state, or energy content, characteristic of the chemical industry and other related sectors, such as pharmaceutical, biotechnological, material, energy, food, or environmental.

CG2: Be able to conceive, project and design processes, equipment and industrial facilities and services, in the field of chemical engineering and related industrial sectors, in terms of quality, safety, economy, and in an environmentally sustainable way.

CG4: Be able to do the appropriate research, undertake the design and manage the development of engineering solutions, in new or partially known environments, relating creativity, originality, innovation and technology transfer.

CG5: Be able to develop mathematical models and be competent in the use of computer methods for solving them, as a scientific and technological base for the design of new processes, systems, facilities and products, as well as to optimize the existing ones.

CG10: Be able to adapt to technical changes, implementing new technologies with an entrepreneurial mindset.

CIPP1: Have a knowledge and understanding of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and other Sciences necessary to support application of key engineering principles.

CIPP2: Be able to design and optimize products, processes, systems and services for the chemical industry on the basis of the different chemical engineering areas, comprising of processes and transport phenomena, separation operations, and chemical, nuclear, electrochemical and biochemical reaction engineering.

CIPP3: Be able to develop mathematical and computer models relevant to the chemical engineering discipline, and an appreciation of their limitations. Awareness of developing technologies related to chemical engineering.

CIPP4: Be able to solve problems, design processes and methodologies, and have the ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar situations. Be capable of generating an innovative design for processes, systems and products to fulfil new needs.

CIPP5: Be competent in management and supervision of all kinds of facilities, processes, systems and services related to the different industrial areas of chemical engineering. Ensure fitness for purpose ( including operation, maintenance, reliability, etc.).

CIPP6: Be able to design, build and implement methods, processes and facilities for the integrated management of industrial supplies and wastes (solid, liquid and gaseous), including the evaluation of their impacts and risks.

These competencies will be related to the following learning outcomes:

RATACC1: Be aware of the currently available technologies for the treatment of gaseous emissions, wastewaters, wastes and polluted soils.

RATACC2: Be able to apply the knowledge of effluent treatments to unusual sources of pollution.

RATACC3: Be able to select the best available techniques (BAT) for the treatment of common pollutants.

RATACC4: Have a knowledge and understanding of the design and implementation of new technologies for pollution treatment.

The contents of the course 'Advanced Pollution Control Technologies' have been organized according to the following blocks:

  • Best Available Techniques and Emission Limits
  • Advanced Treatment of Air Pollution
    • Treatment of gases from combustion processes: particulate pollution, SO2 and NOx pollution
    • Elimination of dioxins and incomplete combustion products
    • Treatment of gases from low-temperature processes (VOCs)
    • Management and treatment of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
    • Treatment of Air Pollution in thermoelectric power generation processes
    • Treatment of Air Pollution in cement manufacturing processes
  • Advanced Treatment of Water Pollution
    • Waters with oils and hydrocarbons
    • Waters with high nutrient concentrations: biological membrane reactors
    • Waters with inorganic species and metals: chemical and electrochemical processes for metal removal
    • Emerging pollutants: environmental issues and treatment
    • Design, operation, and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
  • Soil Management and Recovery
    • Determination of soil pollution
    • Soil decontamination treatment: soil confinement, physical-chemical and biological techniques
    • Integrated management of air, water, and soil pollution.

In order to rationalize the teaching organization of the course, the distribution of its contents has been carried out according to the following typology of teaching modalities:


    Lectures, 22 hours

    Classroom practices, 7 hours

    Group tutorials, 2 hours

     Assessment sessions, 3 hours


     Autonomous work, 62.5 hours

     Group work, 16 hours

Out of a total of 34 hours, 10 hours will be taught by external professors to the University of Oviedo. At the beginning of the course, students receive written information that includes the Teaching Guide, and they will also receive, in advance of their exposition in the lectures, the presentations of the topics discussed and the problem statements to be solved.

The lectures are devoted to theoretical or practical activities taught mainly through lectures by the teacher, supported by visual material that will be made available to the students in advance. The practical classroom activities are devoted to theoretical discussion activities and, preferably, practical activities that require high student participation.

Table 1 shows the topics into which the course "Advanced Pollution Control Technologies" has been divided, distributed temporarily according to the teaching modalities mentioned:

Table 1: Distribution of the contents

UNITSTotal HoursLecturesSeminarsLabPractices at hospitalGroup TutorialsExternal PracticesAssessment sessionsTotalGroup WorkIndividual workTotal
Unit 1221------341519
Unit 22862--1--941519
Unit 332.573--1--11417.521.5
Unit 42762- ---841519

The value of each evaluation system, both in regular and extraordinary calls, expressed as a percentage, will be as follows:

Evaluation systems                  Learning outcomes                      Percentage

Evaluation (PA and TG)            All                                                     40%

Written Exam Evaluation          All                                                     60%

Conditions: Attendance to classroom practices and group tutorials is mandatory, although in duly justified cases, attendance higher than 80% will be valid. Active participation in all of them will also be taken into account. In order to pass the subject, the grade obtained in the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials cannot be less than 50% of its maximum value. Likewise, the final evaluation grade cannot be less than 40% of its maximum value.

In order to pass the subject in the May-June call, the grade obtained in the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials cannot be less than 50% of its maximum value. Likewise, the final evaluation grade cannot be less than 40% of its maximum value. If these conditions are met, the final grade will be calculated taking into account the weighting percentages indicated in the above table.

Classroom Practice and Group Tutorials: Active participation in all of them, as well as the work done by each student in them, will also be taken into account. 40% of the student's final grade will correspond to the evaluation of these aspects. Final evaluation: At the end of the course, a written exam will be carried out to verify the mastery of the subjects corresponding to the course, consisting of answering five theoretical or theoretical-practical questions and solving two problems. 60% of the student's final grade will correspond to the grade obtained in the exam.

For all other calls in the academic year, the final grade will be calculated with the grade obtained in the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials and the grade obtained in the final evaluation corresponding to the call, taking into account the weighting percentages indicated for each of them in the above table. The minimum percentages corresponding to the final evaluation, indicated above, will also apply. In case there is no grade for the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials, for not having attended at the time, a zero will be assigned in that section in all these calls.

If the student takes the extraordinary calls before the semester in which the subject is usually taught, the final grade will be calculated with the grade obtained in the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials of the immediately previous academic year in which the subject was taught, and the grade obtained in the final evaluation corresponding to the extraordinary call, taking into account the weighting percentages indicated for each of them in the above table. In case there is no grade for the Classroom Practices and Group Tutorials, for not having attended at the time, a zero will be assigned in that section in all these calls.

Graphic material will be used, which, as indicated above, will be made available to students in advance. The consultation of specialized bibliography available through the University of Oviedo library network (BUO), located especially at the Faculty of Chemistry, as well as online resources (electronic publications and databases) will be encouraged.