
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Química


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Experimentación en Ingeniería Química

Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Tutorías Grupales (1 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (40 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (14 Hours)
Guía docente

The course Chemical Engineering Laboratory is part of the Processes and Product Engineering Module of the University of Oviedo Master in Chemical Engineering Spring Semester. The course is taught entirely in English by Chemical Engineering teaching staff belonging to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

The course uses laboratory and pilot plant scale equipment. The students will plan, carry out experiments and research and design (R&D) projects. Each one of them will include a previous study, planning, implementation, information and data collection and calculations required for the design or evaluation of the experiments. Every experiment will be carried out in groups and the evaluation could be either individually or in groups. This subject is, therefore, the continuation of the Chemical Engineering laboratories in the Degree in Chemical Engineering and is also based on the contents seen in all the subjects of the first semester of the Master in Chemical Engineering. This course emphasizes the planning and analysis of results with the aim of designing or evaluation and process. Team work and the ability to communicate orally and in writing will also have special relevance.

There are no further requirements for this course apart from those required for the admission to the Chemical Engineering Master degree.

Nevertheless, to reach the learning outcomes students must have a solid base in Chemical Engineering (Fluid Flow, Heat Transmission, Mass Transfer and Chemical Reactors) and have taken and passed the subjects of the first semester of the master's degree. Teaching, coursework, and evaluation of the written and oral reports will be carried out in English, so sufficient English language knowledge is also required.

The main learning outcomes of the course will be based upon the following abilities:

Generic Skills


Be able to apply the scientific method and the principles of engineering and economy to formulate and solve complex problems of processes, operations, systems and services where matter changes in composition, state, or energy content, characteristic of the chemical industry and other related sectors, such as pharmaceutical, biotechnological, material, energy, food, or environmental.


Be able to do the appropriate research, undertake the design and manage the development of engineering solutions, in new or partially known environments, relating creativity, originality, innovation and technology transfer.


Be able to develop mathematical models and be competent in the use of computer methods for solving them, as a scientific and technological base for the design of new processes, systems, facilities and products, as well as to optimize the existing ones


Be able to integrate knowledge and take decisions under conditions of uncertainty, including the consideration of reflections based on ethical and social responsibilities..


Be able to communicate and discuss proposals and conclusions in multilingual forums, both specialized and unspecialized, in a professional manner..


Be able to adapt to technical changes, implementing new technologies with an entrepreneurial mindset


Be competent in autonomous learning, in order to maintain and improve the chemical engineering competences that allow the continuous professional development

Specific skills


Have a knowledge and understanding of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and other Sciences necessary to support application of key engineering principles


Be able to develop mathematical and computer models relevant to the chemical engineering discipline, and an appreciation of their limitations. Awareness of developing technologies related to chemical engineering.


Be able to solve problems, design processes and methodologies, and have the ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar situations. Be capable of generating an innovative design for processes, systems and products to fulfil new needs.

These abilities give rise to the following learning outcomes:


Be competent in planning, simulation, design and performance of lab-scale experiments and pilot plant trials in the framework of research and testing activities addressed to design products and processes to an industrial scale.


Have a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals, requirements and operation peculiarities of the equipment used in the chemical industry, applying methods to correlate experimental data, and apply the technologies needed to present, explain and interpret the experimental results.


Be competent in technical oral and writing communication skills.

The contents of the course have been organised according to the following subjects:

  1. Introduction: Methodology and effective communication.
  2. Rheology (Non-Newtonian fluids)
  3. Chemical Reactors: Adiabatic calorimetry, Heterogeneous and Catalytic systems.
  4. Membrane Separations using preessure, partial pressure and electric field as Driving forces.
  5. Process Simulation using AspenPlus
  6. Data acquisition and visual programming with LabView

The Course methodology is based in the performance of Laboratory and Pilot Plant experiments. Three hours are used to explain students the most relevant aspects of the experiments and how to improve written and oral communication.

Students will submit written reports of all the experiments and will make an oral presentation of one of them.

The organization of the experiments has been arranged in the following way:

  1. Face-to-Face activities:
    • Lectures (CE, 3 h)
    • Laboratory work (PL, 40 h)
    • Industrial visits (8 h)
    • Group tutorials (TG, 1 h)
    • Final Assessment (SE, 3 h)
  2.  Non presential activities
    • Autonomous work (24 h)
    • Group work (54.5 h)

Students receive written information included in the Teaching guide prior the beginning of the course. The material covered in all classes and labs will be available in the Virtual Campus.

Table 1. Schedule for the course activities





Face to face




55 (49%)

Lab work/ Industrial visits/ Computer Room



Group Tutoríals



Final Assessment



Non presential

Work in groups



57.5 (51%)

Individual work





Punctuality, attitude, lab work (including preparation for the experiment, previous reading of the relevant information, safety in the lab, proper equipment and chemical products manipulation, and good housekeeping) will be assessed. An evaluation of the first report (due at the end of the first week), the five group and two individual written reports, plant visit memorandums and oral presentation will all be taken into account in the final grade. An online safety test will be required prior to accessing laboratory.

The value of the grade for the ordinary and extraordinary course evaluations is distributed according to the following aspects:

Grading distribution


First written report (due the first week of the course)


Written reports (4 group and 2 individual)


Industrial visit memorandum


Oral presentation (Group) of one experiment


Requirements: Laboratory experiments, industrial visits and group tutorials will be face to face activities. In some cases, properly justified, an 80% presence could be admitted. To pass the course, the grade of each of the aspects shown in the grading distribution should be at least 40% of its maximum value.

Laboratory work: Active participation, teamwork and professionalism will be considered.

Written Reports and Memorandums: Individual student contribution, content, written expression, and critical sense will also be considered. To achieve at least 4 points out of 10 in the final grade it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 points in EACH of the written reports which implies the students have completed all the calculations and tasks required.

Oral Presentation: A group oral presentation of one of the experiments carried out will be required.

According to all the minimum requirements indicated, the final grade will be calculated taken into account the weight distribution indicated in the previous table.

In extraordinary calls that take place during an academic year, prior to the semester in which the subject is usually taught in said academic year, the final grade will be calculated with the grade obtained in the Laboratory Practices and Visits of the immediately preceding academic year in the one in which the subject was taught, except in the case that no work has been carried out in the laboratory, and the grade obtained in the final evaluation corresponding to the extraordinary call (which will include both the Practice and Visit Report and an Oral Presentation) , taking into account the weighting percentages indicated for each one of them in the previous table. If the laboratory work has not been done, a practical exam will be carried out in the laboratory lasting 4 hours.

As indicated extra material will be available for the students prior to the Course starts. The use of specialised bibliography will be recommended through the network of Libraries of the University of Oviedo located in the School of Chemistry building as well as electronic publications and databases.