- Artes y humanidades
- Máster Erasmus Mundus en Recursos Biológicos Marinos
- Máster Universitario en Análisis de Datos para la Inteligencia de Negocios
- Máster Universitario en Biotecnología Alimentaria
- Máster Universitario en Biotecnología Aplicada a la Conservación y Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Vegetales
- Máster Universitario en Biotecnología del Medio Ambiente y la Salud
- Máster Universitario en Ciencias Analíticas y Bioanalíticas
- Máster Universitario en Conservación Marina
- Máster Universitario en Física Avanzada: Partículas, Astrofísica, Nanofísica y Materiales Cuánticos
- Máster Universitario en Modelización e Investigación Matemática, Estadística y Computación*
- Máster Universitario en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional
- Máster Universitario en Química y Desarrollo Sostenible
- Máster Universitario en Recursos Geológicos e Ingeniería Geológica
- Ciencias de la salud
- Ciencias sociales y jurídicas
- Ingeniería y arquitectura
- Información, acceso y becas
Nuevas Fronteras y Retos de la Física Aplicada
- Especialidad de Nanofísica y Materiales Cuánticos
- Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
- Prácticas de Aula/Semina (10 Hours)
- Prácticas de Laboratorio (10 Hours)
- Clases Expositivas (23 Hours)
The subject is within the framework of the elective matters optionally eligible by the students of the Master's Degree in Advanced Physics and is taught in the second semester of the school period. Its main objective is to discover some of the challenges that arise in modern Applied Physics. It will be analyzed how Physics can contribute to sustainable progress in fields such as energy, biomedicine, the environment, or innovation in the field of sensors and actuators.
The subject is designed for students with ability for abstract reasoning and problem solving, in addition to the essential work habit, dedication to study and a taste for Physics. Specifically, for this subject some knowledge of Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Optics, Solid State Physics and Experimental Techniques will be necessary.
As stated on pages 55 – 56 of the ANECA report, the student of the subject "New Frontiers and Challenges of Applied Physics" is expected to acquire general (CG), basic (CB), and specific (CE) competencies, which are detailed below.
►General competencies (CG):
(CG1) Develop theoretical and experimental skills that allow applying, with creativity and rigor, the concepts, principles, theories and models acquired to new or little-known environments, and related to the challenges that society poses at all times in the field of Physics, both in the scientific field and in that of technological innovation.
(CG2) Develop teamwork skills, whether research or business: this includes planning work, distributing tasks, taking initiatives, participating in debates and critical discussions, and, where appropriate, assuming leadership responsibilities.
(CG3) Acquire solid training that enables you to understand scientific reports and articles in the field of Physics, and assess their scientific or technological relevance.
(CG4) Manage the main sources of scientific information with the ability to search for relevant information: correct use of bibliography and specialized databases in the field of Physics and appropriate use of new technologies.
(CG5) Develop the narrative skills necessary to prepare written documents, in particular scientific articles, with theoretical and/or experimental results, formulation of reasonable hypotheses, original compositions, bibliographic data, and motivated conclusions, adapting the message to the audience to which it is intended. It is destined.
(CG6) Develop the oral communication skills necessary to clearly express and rigorously defend the results and conclusions of an investigation or a technical report, both before scientific-academic audiences and in informative settings, and, where appropriate, debating with the members of a specialized court any aspect related to them.
(CG7) Acquire self-learning skills for the development of permanent training as a researcher or technologist of high scientific impact.
►Basic competencies (CB):
(CB6) Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application
of ideas, often in a research context
(CB7) That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in environments new or little known within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
(CB8) That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of your knowledge and judgments
(CB9) That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to audiences
specialized and non-specialized in a clear and unambiguous way
(CB10) That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will to be largely self-directed or autonomous
►Specific competencies (CE):
CE1 - Acquire advanced training, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view, aimed at research and academic specialization, which allows starting a doctoral thesis project in Physics or other related scientific fields
CE2 - Acquire training for research on open topics in the field of Physics and its interconnection with other disciplines, which allows successfully addressing professional development in any field of Physics.
CE3 - Acquire the ability to carry out critical analyzes of recent or cutting-edge theories or experiments in the field of Physics and, from this, identify the relevant physical phenomena and their foundations, based on the logic of formal development, the rigor of the techniques used (theoretical or experimental), and consistency with knowledge previous.
CE4 - Training to address and solve an advanced problem in the field of Physics through the appropriate choice of the context, the identification of relevant concepts, and the use of theoretical, experimental and/or computational techniques previously acquired.
CE6 - Delve into the analysis, treatment and interpretation of experimental data, as well as know the physical principles in
those that support the design of scientific instrumentation.
CE10 - Acquire knowledge about the operation of relevant scientific facilities and work within the framework of international collaborations
The student of the subject "New Frontiers and Challenges of Applied Physics" is expected to achieve the following learning outcomes (RA):
RA1: Know the most relevant applications of current Physics, focused on sustainability and improvement of the environment, as well as the short and medium-term scientific-technological perspective in this area.
RA2: Know the most relevant applications of today's Physics in new sources and forms of transportation of clean energy. That is, they do not generate harmful and/or greenhouse gases, as well as the scientific-technological perspective in the short and medium term in this area.
RA3: Know the most relevant applications of Physics today in the Bio-health field, as well as the short and medium-term scientific-technological perspective in this field.
RA4: Know the most relevant applications of today's Physics focused on the improvement of sensors, detectors and actuators, as well as the short and medium-term scientific-technological perspective in this area.
RA5: Understand the fundamental physical principles on which each of the applications studied in the subject is based.
RA6: Acquire the knowledge necessary to identify the appropriate application when solving a specific problem within the topic of the subject.
RA7: Understand the fundamental role that new materials and nanomaterials play in the improvement and optimization of the devices used within the scope of Physics applications included in this subject.
The contents detailed below are those included in the master ANECA report (page 55):
1. Applications focused on sustainability and environmental improvement.
2. Applications in new sources and forms of transportation of clean energy.
3. Applications of Physics in the Bio-health field.
4. Applications focused on improving sensors, detectors and actuators.
The teaching methodology is structured into three different types of in-person activities: expository classes (CEx), practical classroom (PA), group tutorials (TG) and laboratory practices (PL). All of them are aimed at the student acquiring the CG, CB and CE of the subject listed above.
The teaching methodology is structured into three types of training activities
Expository classes (CEx): They will be taught to the entire group seeking active participation of the students in their dynamics. In these classes the subject's theoretical contents will be developed, combined with problem solving and exercises. The blackboard and different audiovisual media will be used. In addition, teachers will use the Virtual Campus to make available to students the teaching materials they consider appropriate. However, it will be recommended that students complete the study of the subject with the recommended bibliography in order to contrast and expand the knowledge transmitted in the classroom.
Classroom Practices / Seminars (PA): Some of the seminars may be intended for the resolution and discussion of characteristic exercises by the teacher or the students. Likewise, activities related to the different blocks of the subject will be proposed to be discussed in a small group.
Laboratory Practices (PL): Research laboratories related to the different blocks of the subject will be visited, in which practical demonstrations will be combined with real measurements.
Group tutorials (TG): They will be dedicated to the monitoring by the teachers of the different tasks and work entrusted to the students in small groups.
The average volume of work (measured in student hours) that is estimated to be necessary to achieve the learning outcomes proposed above is included in the following tables:
Student workload
Modalities | Hours | rel % | Total % | |
In-person | Expository Classes and Evaluation Sessions | 23 | 15,3% | 30% |
Classroom Practices/Seminars | 10 | 6,7% | ||
Laboratory Practices | 10 | 6,7% | ||
Group tutoring | 2 | 1,3% | ||
non-in-person | Group work | 50 | 33,3% | 70% |
Individual work | 55 | 36,7% | ||
Total | 150 | 100% |
Topics | Total Hours (in-person + not in-person) |
1. Applications focused on sustainability and environmental improvement. | 15 |
2. Applications in new sources and forms of transportation of clean energy. | 45 |
3. Applications of Physics in the Bio-health field. | 45 |
4. Applications focused on improving sensors, detectors and actuators. | 45 |
150 |
Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, non-in-person teaching activities may be included, in which case, the students will be informed of the changes made.
The teaching of the subject will be in Spanish.
NOTE: In the tests and delivery of activities, improper use of the written language will be penalized. Likewise, the use of appropriate scientific vocabulary, capacity for synthesis, interrelation of concepts and clarity in the presentation will be taken into account.
Different learning evaluation systems are contemplated to pass the subject, both in ordinary and extraordinary calls. All of them are detailed below.
7.1 Ordinary call
Students can pass the subject through the continuous evaluation system. To do so, they must obtain a score equal to or greater than 50 out of 100, according to the scales explained below.
- Oral tests (individual or grupo): The assessment ot these tests will be 60% of the grade.
- Works and projects, that will have a weight of 40%.
Aspects | % |
Oral tests | 60 |
Works and projects | 40 |
7.2 Extraordinary Call
Students who have not passed the ordinary call can pass the subject in one of the calls extraordinary. To do this, they must obtain a score equal to or greater than 50 out of 100, according to the scales explained below.
- Written test (objective test, short answer test and/or development test): The assessment of this test will be 60% of the grade.
- Oral tests (presentation and defense ot the works and projects) that will have a weight of 20%
- Works and projects that will have a weight of 20%
Aspects | % |
Written test | 60 |
Oral tests | 20 |
Works and projects | 20 |
7.3. Differentiates evaluation
Students who take advantage of the differentiated evaluation system can also opt for the maximum grade in the subject. To do this, you must do:
- Written test (objective test, short answer test and/or development test): The assessment of this test will be 60% of the grade.
- Oral tests (presentation and defense ot the works and projects) that will have a weight of 20%
- Works and projects that will have a weight of 20%
Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, non-in-person evaluation methods may be included, in which case, the students will be informed of the changes made.
On the Virtual Campus of this subject, the material considered appropriate will be made available to the student: theory summaries, problem sheets, audiovisual material, etc.
Below, some of the recommended texts are listed:
Basic Bibliography:
1- D. Rowe, Thermoelectrics Handbook: Macro to nano, CRC Press, 2005.
2- J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press, 2008.
3- H.J. Goldsmid, Introduction to Thermoelectricity, Springer, 2016.
4- J.M.D Coey, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
5- K. Kalantar-Zadeh, Benjamin Fry, Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors, Springer, 2008.
6- C. Fermon, M. Van de Voorde, Nanomagnetism: Applications and Perspectives, Wiley, 2017.
7- S. Ueno, M. Sekino, Biomagnetics: Principles and Applications of Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging, CRC Press, 2015.
8- V. Franco, B. Dodrill, Magnetic measurements techniques for materials characterization, Springer, 2021.
Further reading:
1- R. E. Newnham, Properties of Materials, Oxford University Press, 2008.
2- N. A. Spaldin, Magnetic Materials, Cambridge, 2011.
3- E. du Trémolet de Lacheisserie, D. Gignoux, M. Schelenker, Magnetism, Vol. I- Fundamentals, Vol. II Materials and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.