
Máster Universitario en Física Avanzada: Partículas, Astrofísica, Nanofísica y Materiales Cuánticos

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Magnetismo Avanzado

Código asignatura
Primer Semestre
  • Especialidad de Nanofísica y Materiales Cuánticos
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (12 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (20 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (5 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (8 Hours)
Guía docente

This course is part of the optional subjects offered in the Master’s Degree in Advanced Physics and is imparted in the first semester of the academic year. Its main objective is to deepen the understanding of the properties and magnetic phenomena that solid materials present by means of microscopic interaction models.

The MSc in Advanced Physics is aimed at students with the capacity for abstract reasoning and problem solving, in addition to the essential habit of work, dedication to study and a taste for Physics. Knowledge of different subjects such as Solid-State Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Numerical Methods, and their applications to Physics, Atomic Physics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics is recommendable. 

As stated in the degree verification report, students taking the “Advanced Magnetism” course are expected to acquire the general (CG), basic (CB) and specific (CE) skills detailed below.

General skills (CG):

• To develop theoretical and experimental skills that enable them to creatively and rigorously apply the concepts, principles, theories and models they have acquired to new or little-known environments, as well as those related to the challenges that society poses at all times in the field of Physics, both in the scientific domain as well as in that of technological innovation (CG1).

• To develop teamwork skills, whether in research or business: this includes planning work, distributing tasks, taking initiatives, participating in debates and critical discussions, and, where appropriate, assuming leadership responsibilities (CG2).

• To acquire a solid education that enables them to understand scientific reports and articles in the field of Physics and assess their scientific or technological relevance (CG3).

• To handle the main sources of scientific information with the ability to search for relevant information: correct use of the bibliography and specialized databases in the field of Physics, and adequate use of new technologies (CG4).

• To develop the narrative skills necessary to prepare written documents, particularly scientific articles, including theoretical and/or experimental results, the formulation of reasonable hypotheses, original compositions, bibliographic data, and reasoned conclusions, adapting the message to the intended audience (CG5).

• To develop the oral communication skills necessary to clearly express and rigorously defend the results and conclusions of research work or a technical report, before scientific-academic audiences as well as in areas that are informative in nature, and, where appropriate, to debate any related aspect with the members of a specialized board (CG6).

• To acquire self-learning skills for the development of permanent training as a researcher or technologist with a high scientific impact (CG7).

In addition, the following basic skills (CB):

• To possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often within a research context (CB6).

• To know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study (CB7).

• To be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, though incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments (CB8).

• To know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way (CB9); and

• To possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous (CB10).

As to the specific competencies (CE), these would be the following:

CE1 – To acquire advanced training, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view, oriented towards research and academic specialization that will enable them to commence a doctoral thesis project in Physics or other related scientific fields.

CE2 – To acquire training to carry out research on open topics in the field of Physics and their interconnection with other disciplines that will enable them to successfully address their professional development in any field of Physics.

CE3 – To acquire the ability to perform a critical analysis of a recent or cutting-edge theory or experiment in the field of Physics and consequently identify the pertinent physical phenomena and their foundations, based on the logic of formal development, the rigour of the techniques used (theoretical or experimental) and consistency with previous knowledge.

CE4 – An ability to address and solve an advanced problem in the field of Physics via the appropriate choice of context, identification of relevant concepts and the use of previously acquired theoretical, experimental and/or computational techniques.

CE5 –To be familiar with the algebraic and optimization techniques with more efficient computer numerical methods for approaching and solving problems of theoretical modelling and simulation of complex physical phenomena.

CE6 – To gain insight into the analysis, treatment and interpretation of experimental data, as well as to know the physical principles on which the design of scientific instrumentation is based.

CE8 – To acquire in-depth knowledge of the most relevant physical phenomena and their characterization in the field of Quantum Technologies, which encompasses Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic Physics and Optics.

CE9 - To be familiar with the set of tools necessary to experimentally analyse the different states in which matter can occur.

CE10 – To acquire knowledge about the operation of relevant scientific facilities and work within the framework of international collaborations.

The general educational objectives that students are expected to achieve by completing the Advanced Magnetism course are, on the one hand, the knowledge and understanding of physical phenomena and the magnetic properties associated with solids; and, on the other, the development of modern modelling capacities that may be applied to real life situations. Specifically, the following learning outcomes (LOs) are expected to be achieved:

RA1.- To know how to measure and/or calculate the physical magnitudes (magnetization and susceptibility) that define the magnetic state of a material under certain conditions of temperature and magnetic field.

RA2.- To know the most relevant interactions that control the magnetic properties of materials.

RA3.- To be able to recognize, within the context of a certain situation, the different types of magnetic materials.

RA4.- To know how to evaluate and determine magnetic and thermodynamic magnitudes from the Hamiltonian of a localized system.

RA5.- To know how to perform band structure calculations and the density of states in volume systems to analyse the magnetic properties as a function of the crystalline structure and volume.

RA6.- To be able to determine from experimental data the values of the magnetic magnitudes that characterize magnetic materials.

RA7.- To manage and use different basic techniques employed in the magnetic characterization of materials to carry out the corresponding measurements and interpretation of the results thus obtained; and

RA8.- To evaluate the characteristic magnetic response of functional materials (magnetocaloric, with magnetic shape memory, thin films and superlattices, magnetic nanoparticles).

The contents detailed below are those included in the verification report of the Master’s degree.

 1. Introduction to the Magnetism of Matter: Fundamental Interactions.

 2. Localized magnetism. Itinerant magnetism.

 3. Magnetocaloric materials. Magnetic materials with shape memory.

 4. Magnetic nanoparticles. Thin films and superlattices.

 5. Magnetometric techniques.

 6. Calculations and simulations in Magnetism.

The teaching methodology is divided in four different types of face-to-face activities: lectures (CE), classroom practices (PA), group tutorials (TG) and laboratory practices (PL). All of these are aimed at students acquiring the subject-related skills (CG, CB and CE) listed above.

The teaching methodology is divided into four types of training activities:

• Expository classes (CE): Given to the whole group, not necessarily in the form of a lecture, but seeking the active participation of students during the class. The theoretical contents of the subject will be covered in these classes along with the solving of problems and exercises, using the blackboard and different audio-visual media. In addition, the lecturers will use the area of the Virtual Campus corresponding to the subject to make the educational materials they deem appropriate available to the students. However, it is highly recommended that students complete the study of the subject with the recommended bibliography in order to verify and expand the knowledge transmitted in the classroom.

• Classroom Practices/Seminars (PA): For each topic in the subject programme, Problem Assignments will be given out to help students assimilate the fundamental concepts of Advanced Magnetism covered in the expository classes. Seminars will be dedicated to solving some of the exercises contained in these Problem Assignments, which the students may have previously completed at home. The active participation of the students in these seminars will be taken into consideration. Some of the seminars may be aimed at solving characteristic exercises on the blackboard by the lecturer.

• Laboratory Practices (PL): Two groups of laboratory practice sessions will be held in which the students will be able to carry out magnetic measurements and/or calculations and simulations.

• Group tutorials (TG): Carried out in small groups and dedicated to solving problems raised in the previously handed out Problem assignments. This type of activity is very useful for students, as it helps them bring the subject up to date while also enabling them to assess the degree of assimilation of the contents taught in the course.

Teaching will partly take place in Spanish and partly in English. The estimated average workload (measured in terms of student homework) considered necessary to achieve the aforementioned learning outcomes is shown in the following tables:

Student Workload

Types of activities






Lectures and evaluation sessions




Classroom practices/Seminars



Laboratory practices



Group tutorials








Autonomous work






Proposed work plan


Total time devoted by the student (h)

Topic 1. Introduction to the Magnetism of Matter: Fundamental interactions


Topic 2. Localized magnetism. Itinerant magnetism.


Topic 3 Magnetocaloric materials and magnetic materials with shape memory.


Topic 4. Magnetic nanoparticles. Thin films and superlattices.


Topic 5. Magnetometric techniques. 


Topic 6. Calculations and simulations in Magnetism








Non-face-to-face teaching activities may be included in exceptional circumstances, whenever required by public health conditions. In such cases, students will be duly informed of any changes made.



Students can pass the subject as long as they obtain a mark equal to or greater than 50 out of 100, according to the scales explained below.

• Writing a report and giving a lecture about a topic of Advanced Magnetism: Throughout the lecturing period, each student has to prepare a paper on a topic proposed in class. This paper will be presented to the lecturers during the examination period and will count for 50% of the final grade, 25% corresponding to the evaluation of the written paper, while the oral presentation will count for 25%.

• Laboratory practices. Laboratory practices are mandatory to pass the subject and will have count for 30% of the final grade.

• The solving of exercises and active participation: In the group tutoring sessions, students have to solve problems from the Problem Assignments handed out by the lecturer at the end of the session for correction. The mark given for this activity count for 20% of the final grade for the subject.

Evaluation Criteria – Ordinary Call



Expository work


Laboratory practices


Solving of exercises and active participation



Extraordinary calls:

Students who have not passed the ordinary call can pass the subject in one of the extraordinary calls. To do so, they must obtain a mark equal to or greater than 50 out of 100, according to the scales explained below.

• Theoretical and practical written test: There will be a written assessment session, which will consist of a test to solve exercises of a similar nature to those dealt with throughout the course and in which students must apply the contents addressed in the different topics covered in the course. The mark obtained in this test will count for 50% of the final grade.

• Continuous assessment activities: For the extraordinary call, the qualification of the continuous assessment activities of the ordinary call obtained the previous year will be considered (it will be necessary to have passed the laboratory practices), counting for 30% of the final grade.

Evaluation Criteria – Extraordinary Call



Written test


Continuous evaluation activities of the ordinary call


Material that can be taken into the written tests:

Students may attend the written tests with a formula sheet. The sheet cannot contain solved problems. At the end of the exam, the sheet must be handed in together with the exam. 

Personalized tutorials: 

The lecturers of the subject encourage students to attend individual tutoring sessions to resolve any doubts that may arise during the learning process. To do so, students can go to the lecturers’ offices whenever they wish, but it is recommended they send an email to make a prior appointment. These appointments will be arranged as soon as possible to facilitate the learning process.

Online assessment methods may be used in exceptional circumstances, if required by public health conditions. In such cases, students will be informed of any changes made during lectures.

Basic references

1. S. Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2001
2. D. Craik, Magnetism- Principles and Applications, Wiley, 1995
3. B. Barbara. G. Gignoux, C. Vettier, Lectures on Modern Magnetism, Springer-Verlag, 1988
4. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Ed. John Wiley, 1996
5. A. H. Morrish, The Physical principles of Magnetism, IEEE Press, 2001
6. E. du Trémolet de Lacheisserie, D. Gignoux, M. Schelenker, Magnetism, Vol. I- Fundamentals, Vol. II Materials and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005

7. J.M.D. Coey, Magnetism and magnetic materials, Cambridge University Press, 2010

Complementary references

8. N. A. Spaldin, Magnetic Materials, Cambridge, 2011
9. D. I. Khomskii, Basic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids-Order and Elementary Excitations, Cambridge, 2010
10. R. E. Newnham, Properties of Materials, Oxford University Press, 2008
11. J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press, 2008
12. A.M. Tishin, Y.I. Spichkin, The Magnetocaloric Effect and Its Applications, 1st ed., Taylor & Francis, 2003
13. V. Franco, J.S. Blázquez, J.J. Ipus, J.Y. Law, L.M. Moreno-Ramírez, A. Conde, Prog. Mater. Sci. 93 (2018) 112–232.
14. L. Lecce, A. Concilio, eds., Shape Memory Alloy Engineering: For Aerospace, Structural and Biomedical Applications, Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam, 2015
15. J. Leliaert, M. Dvornik, J de Clerq, M V Milosevic, B. Van Wayeenberge, J. Phys. D. 81 (2018) 123002.

16. A.A. El-Gendy, J.M. Barandiarán, R.L. Hadimani, Magnetic nanostructured materials: From lab to fabChapter 1, Elsevier, 2018

17. J.L. Dormann, D. Fiorani, E. Tronc, Magnetic relaxation in fine-particle systems, Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol.98, Chapter 4, Wiley&Sons, 1997

18. S. Bedanta, W. Kleemann, Topical Review: Supermagnetism, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, (2002) 013001