
Grado en Turismo

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Inglés I. Habilidades Sociales en el Entorno Turístico

Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa
Formación Básica
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Clases Expositivas (14 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (35 Hours)
Guía docente

Esta asignatura se encuadra en el Módulo 6 de los estudios de Grado en Turismo, “Lenguas Extranjeras Aplicadas al Turismo”, y forma parte de la Materia 3, “Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa”. De carácter obligatorio, e impartida en el segundo semestre del primer curso, es la primera de cuatro asignaturas que conforman esta materia.

Se centra en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales del alumno en lengua inglesa desde la dimensión profesional. Por tanto, la asignatura tendrá la función de favorecer la utilización de la lengua en diferentes situaciones comunicativas del entorno turístico, a fin de lograr una mejora del uso de la lengua y un aprendizaje consciente de los usos formalizados, orales y escritos, adecuados a las necesidades de comunicación en su ámbito profesional.

In order to be able to follow the course, it is strongly recommended that participants have an A2 proficiency level of English. Students must be ready to take active part in the classes so as to learn how to communicate properly in formal tourism settings.

The main aim of the course is to develop basic competences of oral and written communication in English within the tourism environment, with an emphasis on developing social skills in common professional contexts.

1. Tourism as a profession: people, tasks and work situations

  • Sectors and careers in the tourism industry
  • Describing job skills and job routines
  • Asking questions; giving advice and suggestions; expressing reason

2. Tourist information services: world destinations and tourism activities

  • Describing tourism features, resources and attractions
  • Recommending and promoting tourist destinations
  • Giving directions

3. Transport and hospitality

  • Comparing means of transport; referring to timetables and schedules
  • Describing types of accommodation, services and facilities
  • Making bookings

As far as methodology is concerned, the lessons will be held entirely in English. It is essential that course participants contribute to the development of the course by being actively involved in all class activities, completing all assignments and meeting deadlines.

Course materials will be mainly based on the coursebook: Walker, R. & Harding, K. 2009. Tourism 1. Oxford: OUP, as well as on other written and spoken sources which, as far as legally possible, will be made available for students to read, listen to or download from the university Virtual Campus. It is thus the students’ responsibility to check regularly both the email account provided by the University of Oviedo and the Virtual Campus, where updated information and instructions for task performance will be detailed.

Class work will include simulations and role plays, listening to oral extracts, reading texts and searching for specific information and rewriting information from readings or listenings. As for autonomous work, students are expected to study course contents, prepare pair and group tasks, do vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and listening activities, and become familiar with whatever materials are uploaded on the Virtual Campus to enhance their knowledge and abilities.


The final grade will result from adding the grades obtained in the continuous assessment tasks (60%) to the results of a final exam (40%). It is nevertheless necessary to obtain, at least, 4/10 in the continuous assessment tasks to add up the exam grade.

Continuous assessment (60%)

Dates and detailed instructions for task performance will be published on the Virtual Campus in due time. The components of continuous assessment are the following:

- Two written tests (40%). They will include grammar (10%), vocabulary (10%), and oral (10%) and written comprehension (10%) contents.

- Two oral activities (20%). Students will perform two oral interaction activities in front of their classmates:

  • Selling a tourist product at a travel agency (10%). In pairs, students will role play the first stages of the sales process of a tourist product to a customer in a travel agency.
  • Describing and promoting a tourist destination (10%). In groups of three or four people, students will present orally a package tour to promote an international destination, describing and highlighting its main features and attractions. The package tour will include an itinerary with three or four stages, and in each of them accommodation, transport, places to visit, activities and entertainment will be detailed.

Final exam (40%)

The final written exam is divided in four parts: listening comprehension (10%), reading comprehension (10%), grammar (10%) and vocabulary (10%).


The final grade will result from adding the grade obtained in a final written exam (80%) to the continuous assessment grade or to the grade obtained in an oral exam (20%). It is nevertheless necessary to obtain, at least, 4/10 in the written exam to add up the continuous assessment grade or to be entitled to the oral exam. The grades obtained in the continuous assessment oral activities may be can be kept during the same academic year, thus making it unnecessary to take the oral exam.

Written exam (80%)

The written exam will consist of specific vocabulary (20%) ad grammar exercises (20%), as well as oral comprehension (20%), reading comprehension (10%) and writing (10%) activities related to the course contents.

Oral exam (20%)

The oral exam will consist in an individual oral presentation of a package tour to promote an international destination, describing and highlighting its main features and attractions. Its detailed instructions will be similar to those of the second oral activity in the continuous assessment and they will be accessible on the Virtual Campus in due time.

Walker, R. & Harding, K. 2009. Oxford English for Careers: Tourism 1. Oxford: OUP.

Jones, L. 2008. Welcome! English for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge: CUP.

Strutt, P. 2013, English for International Tourism. Pre-intermediate. Harlow: Pearson.

Strutt, P. 2013, English for International Tourism. Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson.

Walker, R. &  Harding, K. 2008. Tourism 2. Oxford: OUP.