
Undergraduate Degree on Sport and Physical Activity Sciences

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Deportes II. Baloncesto, Balonmano y Voleibol

Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (28 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (32 Hours)
Guía docente

The subject "Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport" is included in the basic subject "Behavioural and Social Foundations of Human Motor Skills" and belongs to the field of knowledge of "Behavioural Sciences and Psychology". It is a foundation subject taught in the first semester of the first year within the "Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences" and comprises a total of 60 face-to-face hours, divided between theory and practice, and 90 non-face-to-face hours, dedicated to group work and independent work.

No prerequisites.

Competences and Learning Outcomes:


AC1_RA1 Understand, develop and know how to apply the procedures, strategies, activities, resources, techniques and methods involved in the teaching-learning process efficiently, developing the whole course of action in all sectors of professional intervention in physical activity and sport (formal and informal physical education; physical and sports training; physical exercise for health; management of physical activity and sport).

AC1_RA3 Communicate and interact appropriately and effectively in different contexts  of interventions in physical activity and sport, demonstrating teaching skills in a deliberatre, natural and continuous way.


  • Know the role of the psychologist in the field of Physical Education and Sport.
  • Understand the basic psychological processes in sport.
  • Know the factors related to the learning situation in sport.
  • Know the main psychological theories and their application to the field of physical activity and sport.
  • Know how to apply the basic principles to the different areas of intervention in sport psychology.


The content to be developed in this subject is as follows:

  1. The role of the psychologist in the field of physical education and sport: History and definition of sport and physical activity psychology. Definition and areas of application. Psychological assessment and analysis of relationships that occur in the field of sport. The professional role of the sport psychologist.
  2. Basic psychological processes in sport: Perceptual-motor behaviour. Attention and concentration. Motor learning. Motivation and emotion. Other processes in sport and exercise.
  3. Factors related to the sport learning situation: Information in learning: theoretical instruction and feedback. Practice in learning: organisation and distribution. The process of skill acquisition. Retention and transfer of learning. Motivation and emotion in motor learning.
  4. Application of the basic principles to the different areas of intervention in sport psychology: Psychological training and competitive sport. Psychological counselling in sport initiation. Sport and health. Sport in different population groups.

These will be developed through the following topics:

Topic 1. The role of the psychologist in physical education and sport: history and definition.

Topic 2. Basic psychological processes in sport.

Topic 3. Factors related to the sport learning situation.

Topic 4. Applicability of basic principles to different areas of intervention in sport psychology.

Expository methodology (master class) will be used as well as exercises and problem solving, case studies, problem based learning, project based learning and cooperative learning.

Assessment in the ordinary examination session

All content developed in the lectures and practical sessions will be assessed by a written multiple-choice exam, which will count for 60% of the final grade of the course. On the other hand, by the assessment of two assignments, each worth 20%. These assignments will be worth 30% of the student's final mark.

Students will be assessed by weighting the aspects listed in the table below according to the percentages indicated (for this weighting to be applied, the mark for the theory exam must exceed 4.5 out of 10, otherwise the course will be considered failed and the final mark will be a maximum of 4.5).

Assessment instruments


Multiple-choice written test


Individual work


Group work


In order to pass the practical part, linked to seminars and group tutorials, it will be essential to attend at least 80% of them.

Assessment in the Extraordinary Examination

Students who have not passed the course in the ordinary exam (because they failed or did not show up) will have to take a written test, which will be aimed at assessing knowledge and skills and, therefore, will have a value of 60% in the final grade. Therefore, in this exam, if students have not passed the practical part, they will have to hand in the assignments again. The group work may be replaced by a practical test, in which the student demonstrates the competences to be developed in this work (20% of the mark).

Differentiated assessment

Students who have been granted differentiated assessment will be assessed by the same procedure as the rest of the students; that is to say, they will have to take the final exam (60% of the final grade) as well as hand in the established work in order to obtain the remaining 40%. For these students, due to their inability to attend classes regularly, they will be provided with the necessary documentation to pass the course like any other student. The work does not have to be done in a group, although it must be handed in on the dates indicated for all students taking this subject.

Buceta, J.M.. (2015). Mi hijo es el mejor, y además es mi hijo.  Dykinson.

Martin, G. L., Martin, T., & Cuentas, T. (2008). Psicología del deporte. Pearson Educación.

Moran, A. y Toner, J. (2018). Psicología del deporte. Manual Moderno. 

Salom, M., Núñez, A., y Leguizamo, F. (2023). Psicología del deporte. Una aproximación práctica a la evidencia científica. Editorial Panamericana.