
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Mineras

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Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Formación Básica
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (14 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (7 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (35 Hours)
Guía docente

Chemistry is a semi-annual 6 ECTS course that is taught in the first year of engineering degrees at the Polytechnic School of Mieres. It is part of the basic module in the grades of Mining and Energy Engineering, Mining technologies, Forestry resources and Natural Environment Engineering. In the degree of Civil Engineering, however, it belongs to the common module. Teaching aims are: (i) standardize chemical knowledge of students, (ii) promote student learning of important facts, concepts and principles of Chemistry and how to use them in different situations , and (iii) provide students the required skills to study other subjects.

The concepts of chemistry are present everywhere, in many aspects of our daily lives, the environment and the natural life, and, of course, in the performance of the professional duties of an engineer. Thus, a vast number of products manufactured by the chemical industry are used in everyday life: fabrics, detergents, cleaning products, paints, cosmetics, products of hygiene, etc. The optimum choice and proper use of these products will be much easier if we know the basic properties of chemical substances. Of increasing interest are the debates about the optimal use of natural resources, environmental problems, urban pollution and air quality, recycling of waste materials, etc. In general, these issues are complex because many factors are involved including chemical concepts, which must be interpreted and assessed correctly like concentration, solubility, hardness of water, pH, etc.

Of course, there are many particular situations in which chemistry is useful for an engineer. Thus, it is well known that industry handles a wide range of materials (metals, glass, ceramics, plastics, cement, etc.) whose performance depends on their molecular structure and chemical properties. The energy supply is another critical factor for all economic sectors. In this context, conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are still important. Chemistry gives some fundamentals to study electrochemical devices, which have experienced great advances in terms of their performance and capabilities. Hazard assessment and adoption of precautionary measures are issues affect employees or manager, which rely to a large extent in the recognition of the toxicity and utility of chemicals.

In the context of graduate studies, chemistry occupies a central site with respect to other sciences since it is present in many areas of knowledge. Therefore, if students acquire basic concepts in chemistry, they will acquire useful knowledge for other subjects of the degree. The same concepts are useful for forming an opinion or take practical decisions of other issues and problems beyond the engineering scope.

Because it is a subject in the first year, it has no prerequisite, either administrative or academic, although it is highly recommended that students have completed the courses of mathematics, physics and chemistry offered in high school courses. In any case, to make progress in the development of the subject, it is necessary that students have previously mastered a series of very basic knowledge in chemistry, normally acquired in high school, such as the formulation and basic nomenclature of organic and inorganic compounds, the balance of chemical equations, simple stoichiometric calculations, forms of expressing concentration, etc.

Grado en Ingeniería de los Recursos Mineros y Energéticos

Through face-to-face and personal work of students, the subject of chemistry contributes to achieving the following general competence listed in the memory of grade:

  • CG01. Scientific-technical capacity for the exercise of the profession of Technical Mining Engineer and knowledge of the functions of consulting, analysis, design, calculation, project, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation.

Although the degree of mining engineering does not assign any core competence to the subject of chemistry, the following specific competence is part of the objectives of the subject:

  • CE03. Basic knowledge of the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs with application in engineering.

In addition to the knowledge goals, the subject of chemistry also works the following skills and attitudes: quantitative and qualitative problems according to previously developed models.

Solve quantitative and qualitative problems according to previously developed models.

Apply the principles of thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry.

Recognize and evaluate the chemical processes in everyday life.

Relate the chemistry with other disciplines.

Develop critical reasoning.

Learn autonomously.

Acquire skills to evaluate, interpret, and synthesize chemical information.

Work as a team.

All these competencies and objectives are implemented in the following learning outcomes contained in the memory of the degree:

  • 1RA63 demonstrate and use the basic knowledge acquired in this subject with ease.
  • 1RA64 pose and solve problems from the scope of the subject.
  • 1RA65 use correctly the basic terminology used in the field of chemistry, expressing ideas with precision, being able to establish relationships between the various concepts.
  • 1RA66 apply the techniques used in a basic chemistry laboratory, including the necessary calculations and expressing the results in an appropriate way.
  • 1RA67 prepare and submit a report, both orally as written, corresponding to one of the practices carried out correctly.

Grado de Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural

Through face-to-face and personal work of students, the subject of chemistry contributes to achieving the following general powers as they are listed in the memory of the grade:

  • CG01 Ability to understand the biological, chemical, physical, mathematical foundations of the representation systems necessary for the development of the professional activity, as well as to identify the different biotic and physical elements of the forest environment and the renewable natural resources that are susceptible to protection, conservation and uses in the forest area.
  • CG11 Ability to characterize the anatomical and technological properties of timber and non-timber forest raw materials, as well as the technologies and industries of these raw materials.
  • CG14 Ability to understand, interpret and adopt scientific advances in the forestry field, to develop and transfer technology and to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.

The grade assigned the following specific competences:

  • CE04 Basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and its applications in engineering.
  • CE38 Original exercise to be carried out individually and presented and defended before a university tribunal, consisting of a project in the field of specific technologies of Forest Engineering of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the teaching are synthesized and integrated.

Additionally, the following specific goals are part of the chemistry course objectives:

Consolidate the knowledge of the fundamentals of chemical terminology, nomenclature, agreements and units.

Relate the macroscopic properties of atoms and molecules constituents of matter.

Identify the characteristics of the different States of aggregation.

Describe the types of chemical reactions and their associated characteristics.

In addition to the knowledge goals, the study of chemistry has an impact on the following skills and attitudes:

Quantitative and qualitative problems according to previously developed models.

Apply the principles of thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry.

Recognize and evaluate the chemical processes in everyday life.

Relate the chemistry with other disciplines.

Develop critical reasoning.

Learn autonomously.

Acquire skills to evaluate, interpret, and synthesize chemical information.

Work as a team.

All these competencies and objectives are implemented in the following learning outcomes contained in the memory of the degree:

  • MB - RA32 Demonstrate and use the basic knowledge acquired in this subject with ease.
  • MB - RA33 Pose and solve problems from the scope of the subject.
  • MB - RA34 Pose correctly the basic terminology used in the field of chemistry, expressing ideas with precision, being able to establish relationships between the various concepts.
  • MB - RA35 Apply techniques used in a basic chemistry laboratory, including calculations (if necessary) and reporting results in an appropriate way.
  • MB - RA36 Prepare and submit a report, both orally as written, corresponding to one of the practices carried out correctly.

Grado en Ingeniería Civil

Through face-to-face and personal work of students, the subject of chemistry contributes to achieving the following general skills as they are listed in the memory of grade:

  • CG01. Scientific and technical training for the exercise of the profession of Knowing the functions of consulting, analysis, design and technical engineer of public works. Calculation, project, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation.
  • CG02 Understanding of multiple constraints of a technical and legal nature that arise in the construction of a public work, and ability to use contrasting methods and accredited technologies, with the aim of achieving greater efficiency in the construction within the respect for the environment and the protection of the safety and health of workers and users of the public work.
  • CG03 Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation during the exercise of the profession of technical engineer of public works.
  • CG04 Ability to project, inspect and direct works in his field.
  • CG05 Capacity for maintenance and conservation of energy and hydraulic resources in your area.
  • CG06 Capacity for the maintenance, conservation and operation of infrastructures in its field.
  • CG07 Ability to conduct studies and design abstractions of surface water or groundwater in your area.
  • CG09. Knowledge of the history of civil engineering and training to analyze and assess in particular public works and construction in general.

The degree also assigns the following specific skills within the basic module:

  • CC02 Theoretical and practical knowledge of the chemical, physical, mechanical and technological properties of the most used materials in construction.
  • CC03 Ability to apply building materials knowledge in structural systems. Knowledge of the relationship between the structure of the materials and the mechanical properties that derive from it.

Additionally, the following specific powers are part of the chemistry course objectives:

Consolidate the knowledge of the fundamentals of chemical terminology, nomenclature, agreements and units.

Relate the macroscopic properties of atoms and molecules constituents of matter.

Identify the characteristics of the different states of aggregation.

Describe the types of chemical reactions and their associated characteristics.

In addition to the knowledge goals, the subject of chemistry has an impact on the following skills and attitudes:

Quantitative and qualitative problems according to previously developed models.

Apply the principles of thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry.

Recognize and evaluate the chemical processes in everyday life.

Relate the chemistry with other disciplines.

Develop critical reasoning.


Acquire skills to evaluate, interpret, and synthesize chemical information.

Team work.

Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Mineras

Through face-to-face and personal work of students, the subject of chemistry contributes to achieving the following general skills as they are listed in the memory of grade:

  • CG01 Analysis and synthesis capacity.
  • CG2 Organization and planning capacity.
  • CG3 Oral and written communication in the native language.
  • CG6 Information management capacity.
  • CG7 Solve problems.
  • CG8 Decision making.
  • CG9 Teamwork.
  • CG11 Skills in interpersonal relationships.
  • CG12 Critical reasoning.
  • CG14 Autonomous learning.
  • CG15 Adaptation to new situations and diverse contexts.
  • CG17 Sensitivity towards environmental and sustainability issues.

Additionally, the following specific competence is part of the objectives of the Chemistry subject:

  • CE39 Ability to understand and apply the principles of basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications.

All these competences and objectives are specified in the following learning outcomes:

  • RA10.01 Demonstrate and use the basic knowledge acquired in this subject with ease.
  • RA10.02 Set up and solve problems within the scope of the subject.
  • RA10.03 Correctly use the basic terminology used in the field of chemistry, expressing ideas precisely, being able to establish relationships between different concepts.
  • RA10.04 Apply the techniques used in a basic chemistry laboratory, including the necessary calculations and expressing the results appropriately.
  • RA10.05 Prepare and correctly present a report, both orally and in writing, corresponding to one of the practices carried out.


CHAPTER 1: Basic concepts in chemical and microscopic structure of matter (6 h CE) Chemistry and its relationship to other sciences. Atoms and molecules. Periodic table and Atomic symbols. Meaning of chemical formulas and chemical nomenclature. Formulation and nomenclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds. Amount of substance, Mole and Avogadro's number. Atomic and molecular masses. Chemical equations and stoichiometric calculations. Basic properties of the chemical bond.


CHAPTER 2: Intermolecular Forces, States of matter and Solutions (7 h CE) General properties of the States of matter. Intermolecular forces. Properties of ideal gases. Properties of the liquid state. Properties and classification of solids. Classification of mixtures of substances. Concentration of solutions.         


CHAPTER 3: Chemical Thermodynamics (5 h CE) First law of thermodynamics: basic concepts. Enthalpies of reaction and standard states. Calorimetry and heat capacity. Enthalpies of phase change. Entropy and the second and third principles of thermodynamics. The Gibbs function and criteria of spontaneity.

CHAPTER 4: Control of chemical processes: Kinetics and Equilibrium (7h CE) Reaction rate. Control of the speed of reaction: influence of concentration and temperature. Catalysis. Chemical equilibrium in a reaction between gas. Equilibrium constants and reaction quotients. Control of chemical equilibrium and Le Châtelier principle.


CHAPTER 5: Principles of Chemical reactivity (7 h CE) Definitions of acids and bases. The pH scale and dissociation constants of acids and bases. Simple acid-base equilibria. Solubility equilibrium. Redox reactions: basic concepts. Electrochemical cells and redox balance. Standard potentials of reduction and electrochemical series.


CHAPTER 6: Properties of the elements and chemical compounds (3 h CE) Most representative inorganic compounds. Organic compounds and functional groups.

Laboratory Experiments

The laboratory activities will be selected from the following list based on the academic calendar and the infrastructure of the laboratory in which the practices are carried out.

  • Safety and Basic Laboratory Operations. Toxicity of chemical substances. Pictograms and safety information sheets.
  • Measurement of masses and volumes. Preparation of solutions.
  • Qualitative studies of chemical reactions: Observation of reaction heat. Factors that influence the reaction rate. Shift of chemical equilibrium.
  • The chemical reactions in the separation and identification of ions.
  • Calorimetry and Reaction Enthalpies: Heat and constant calorimeter capacity. Determination of calorimetric curves.
  • Determination of Kinetic Laws: Empirical kinetic laws. Initial rates method.
  • Quantitative Chemical Analysis: Volumetric determinations with chemical and / or instrumental indicator.
  • Synthesis of Chemical Compounds. Reaction conditions. Purification of the product and determination of the reaction yield.
  • Redox Processes and Electrochemical Cells. Redox properties of metals. Measurement of the electromotive force of electrochemical cells.
  • Separation Operations: Liquid-liquid extraction. Separation of binary mixtures.

To achieve the objectives and competencies proposed, different methodologies will be used:

a) Lectures: The instructor will present and discuss the various topics with special emphasis on the most novel aspects or special complexity, integrating both the theoretical aspects and the examples that facilitate the reasoning and analysis of the exposed subject. Therefore, regular attendance is highly recommended. It is also necessary that students complete the study of the subject with the reading of the recommended bibliography, to contrast and expand the knowledge transmitted in the class.

b) Classroom practice: Students put in practice their acquired knowledge during the lectures and in their homework. Students will have beforehand a series of questions or problems that must have previously worked to proceed with their analysis and discussion, individually and / or collectively.

c) Group tutorials: The sessions will be developed in small groups of students and will allow them to put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the subject, through training activities that stimulate analysis and critical reasoning.

d) Laboratory sessions: The hours of practical laboratory content are distributed in seven two-hour sessions according to the academic calendar. It is the responsibility of students to be informed about which laboratory group they are members and the schedule of the lab sessions. For organizational reasons, it is not possible to make group changes or lab dates. Only requests that have a written proof (blended registration or employment contract) will be considered.

All students must be aware of the following rules:

  • Students must bring the laboratory script(s), writing tools, calculator and lab coat.
  • Attendance at laboratory practices is mandatory for all students with ordinary enrollment.

Students must previously study the general outline of the practice from the script that is provided. In the first session, both general laboratory rules and chemical hazard will be explained. In the second practice, students begin to familiarize themselves with the usual laboratory material and basic operations. The following sessions begin with a brief exposition of the instructor, where she/he will emphasize the most important aspects of the experiment, while answering the doubts that the students pose, to give way to a time in which the student will work alone, following the corresponding scripts. In this phase, the instructor will resolve any problems that arise and make the pertinent clarifications. The instructor explanations will be interspersed with questions addressed to the students in order to encourage their active participation.

All the materials that will be used in the development of the different activities (tables, graphs, notes, series of exercises, laboratory scripts, etc.) are available at the Virtual Campus.

Table. Overview of activities and their timing (*)





# Hours


Practice sessions

Lab sessions

Group tutorials




Problem solving

preparation of laboratory sessions

Preparation of individual or team work
















































(*) Under exceptional circumstances, if required by public health conditions, online teaching activities may be programmed as an alternative to in-class activities. In such a case, students will be informed of any change in due time.

Regular semester

A) Regular (full-time) students. Grading of the student work /learning will be carried out through the following criteria and evaluation techniques





1) Contents of all chapters covered in lectures

Solve numerical problems, answer questions, carry out activities, etc. 

Written exams of theory/practical character


2) Active participation in the subject during PA/TG lessons

The continuous following of the subject, the preparation of the material to be studied in the sessions, the active participation of the students and the ability to communicate with their classmates and with the teacher will be evaluated.

Evaluation tools may include: solving exercises, assignments and presentations10%

3) Laboratory sessions

Homework preparation of the lab session, active participation, answers to questions raised by the instructor during the development of the practice, attention and care at work.

Report/exam on laboratory experiments. It is mandatory to attend all laboratory sessions. The preparation of the experiments, the laboratory work, elaboration of the results and delivery of the reports required by the professor will suppose 50% of the laboratory grade. The other 50% will be obtained from the written exam to be taken at the end of the experiments. It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4/10 in the written exam to make the average.


To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5/10 in evaluable items 1 and 3. The final grade (weighted sum of all evaluable aspects) must be equal to or greater than 5 out of 10.

B) Differentiated evaluation students. In accordance with article 7.2 of the evaluation regulations of the University of Oviedo, for those students who are recognized as part-time students, the evaluation of the activities to be developed during the course will be done through the following criteria and tools:





1) Contents of all chapters covered in lecturesSolve numerical problems, answer questions, carry out activities, etc.

Written exams of theory/practical character


2) Active participation in the subject during PA/TG lessons

The continuous following of the subject, the preparation of the material to be studied in the sessions, the active participation of the students and the ability to communicate with their classmates and with the teacher will be evaluated.

Evaluation tools may include: solving exercises, assignments and presentations10%

3a) Laboratory sessions Option A: Students that cannot attend to laboratory sessions.

Evaluation of laboratory work and reports elaborated by the student.

Practical and written exam


3b) Laboratory sessions Students that can attend to laboratory sessions.

Homework preparation of the lab session, active participation, answers to questions raised by the instructor during the development of the practice, attention and care at work.

Report/exam on laboratory experiments. It is mandatory to attend all laboratory sessions. The preparation of the experiments, the laboratory work, elaboration of the results and delivery of the reports required by the professor will suppose 50% of the laboratory grade. The other 50% will be obtained from the written exam to be taken at the end of the experiments. It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4/10 in the written exam to make the average.


Students will be given some facilities, as far as possible, to make justified changes concerning group assignment or laboratory dates.

To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5/10 in evaluable items 1 and 3. The final grade (weighted sum of all evaluable aspects) must be equal to or greater than 5 out of 10.

Under exceptional circumstances, if required by public health conditions, online evaluation tools may be employed. In such a case, students will be informed of any change in due time.

Extraordinary calls

In accordance with the regulation for the evaluation of learning outcomes and the competences acquired by the students of the University of Oviedo (Article 6), in order for the student to pass the subject in extraordinary exams, a final exam will be held consisting of a written test and a practical test.





1) Contents of all chapters covered in lecturesSolve numerical problems, answer questions, carry out activities, etc.

Written exam (Final exam: Extraordinary call)


2) Contents of all chapters covered in lecturesThe resolution and detailed explanation of an exercise that denotes continuous following of the contents of the subject will be evaluated

Theoretical exercise

3a) Laboratory sessions. Option A: The student attended all the laboratory sessionsSolve numerical problems and questions related to the contents of laboratory sessions. Written theoretical exam30%

3b) Laboratory sessions. Option B: The student did not attend all the laboratory sessions

Practical performance and skills in the laboratory operations, detailed report of laboratory results will be valued.

Theoretical and practical exam


To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5/10 in evaluable items 1 and 3. The final grade (weighted sum of all evaluable aspects) must be equal to or greater than 5 out of 10.

Under exceptional circumstances, if required by public health conditions, online evaluation tools may be employed. In such a case, students will be informed of any change in due time.

Some comprehensive Chemistry textbooks are available in the Campus Library or as online resources:

  • Chemistry (2nd Edition). An OpenStax resource. https://openstax.org/details/books/chemistry-2e
  • Brown & Holme. Chemistry for Engineering Students. ·2nd International Edition Brooks/Cole Editor. 2011
  • Brown, et al. Chemistry: The Central Science. 12th International Edition. Pearson Education. 2011.
  • Brown, Lemay, Bursten y Murphy. Química: La Ciencia Central. 11ª Edición. Editorial Prentice-Hall.
  • Petrucci, Harwood, Herring y Bissonnette. Química General. 10ª Edición. Editorial Prentice Hall.
  • Reboiras, Química: La Ciencia Básica. Ed. Thomson-Paraninfo.
  • Chang. Química. 9a Edición. Editorial McGraw Hill.

The materials prepared by the instructors that will be used in the development of the different activities that make up the subject (tables, graphs, notes, series of exercises, laboratory scripts, etc.) are available to students in electronic format (material incorporated into the Virtual Campus).