
Grado en Ingeniería Informática del Software

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Integración de Aplicaciones Empresariales

Código asignatura
Primer Semestre
Práctica Profesional
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (35 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (7 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (14 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
Guía docente

The course "Integration of Business Applications" consists of a total of 6 credits. It is optional and is included in the subject "Professional Practice" of the Degree in Computer Software Engineering. It is taught in the first semester.

Knowledge of information flows and information processes that take place in organizations is essential for the development, implementation and parameterization of software applications that model the aforementioned information and constitute useful tools for decision making.

For this reason, in this subject, a description of the financial and non-financial information that circulates within the organizations and between them and the environment is carried out, taking into account the two main business objectives that are profitability and solvency. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are exposed from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. ERPs are information management systems that automate many of the business practices associated with the operational or productive aspects of a company. These systems are characterized by being composed of different modules. Other forms of integration of existing information systems in a company are also considered, and some forms of exploitation of the information collected are also presented. Finally, the most common business operations are analyzed in a practical way.

It is recommended that students have passed the course "Business" taught in the first year of the degree.

General competencies contributing to the development of the course are the following:

• CG1: Competence for the design of solutions to complex human problems.

• CG2: Ability to adapt to the rules.

• CG11: Competence for teamwork.

In terms of specific skills, the course includes:

• Bas6: Adequate knowledge of the concept of business, the institutional and legal framework of the company. Organization and management of companies.

  • Bas6.5 "Business Management".

• Com2: Ability to plan, design, deploy and manage projects, services and systems at all levels, leading its implementation and continuous improvement and assessing their economic and social impact.

  • Com2.2 "valuing their social and economic impact".

• ISw2: Ability to assess customer needs and specify the software requirements to meet these needs, reconciling conflicting goals by finding acceptable compromises within the constraints arising from the cost, the time, the existence of systems already developed and other constraints in the organizations.

• ISw3: capacity to solve integration problems in terms of strategies, standards and technologies available.

• ISw6 Ability to design appropriate solutions in one or more application domains using software engineering methods that integrate ethical, social, legal and economic aspects.

  • ISw6.2 "that integrate ethical, social, legal aspects".
  • ISw6.3 "economics aspects".

With regard to the learning outcomes, the student will be able to:

RA.PP-1. Know the organization and management of companies.

RA.PP-7. Know and apply techniques for analyzing the return value of a Project.

RA.PP-11. Estimate effectively the cost of a project using different techniques.

RA.PP-15. Identify the main types of information that circulate within companies and between them and the environment.

RA.PP-16. Know the main accounting measures of profitability and carry out a basic profitability analysis.

RA.PP-17. Know the main accounting measures of solvency and carry out a basic solvency  analysis.

RA.PP-18. Know the characteristics of ERP systems and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

RA.PP-19. Select the most appropriate ERP system taking into account the type of company.

Regarding generic skills, they are learning objectives which will be developed along with the technical skills.

Based on the proposed objectives, the following contents are selected:

UNIT 1. Information in business organizations (Competence Bas6.5).

  • Characteristics of business information.
  • The different types of decisions in the company.
  • The agency relationship.

UNIT 2. Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) (Competition com2, ISw2, ISw3).

  • Information systems in companies.
  • The integration of the company's management systems.
  • ERPs: characteristics and implementation process.

UNIT 3. The different functions in the company (Competence ISw6.3).

  • Operations (Production).
  • Purchases.
  • Marketing and sales.
  • Finance.
  • Accounting.
  • Human Resources.
  • Technology management.

UNIT 4. The organization of the functions of the company (Competence ISw6.3).

  • Simple forms.
  • Classic complex forms.
  • New complex forms.

UNIT 5. The different business documents (Competences ISw2, ISw6.2, ISw6.3)

  • Purchase and sale documents.
  • Collection and payment documents.
  • Tax documents.
  • Labor documents.

UNIT 6. Accounting documents (Competences Com2.2, ISw2, ISw6.2, ISw6.3).

  • Assets, liabilities and the net worth.
  • Internal documents.
  • External documents.
  • Distributed ledger technologies.

UNIT 7. Costs and management control (Competence ISw6.3).

  • Internal accounting information: accounting of costs and break-even point.
  • The budgetary process and decision making.
  • Costs in software development projects.

The methodology of the course will consist of on-site and off-site activities. The on-site activities are:

- Lectures. Used for the development and explanation of the theoretical content of the course.

- Practical activities and laboratory hours. Analysis and discussion of cases, theoretical and practical exercises, solving numerical exercises, case studies and participation in discussion forums.

- Seminars / group tutorials. The group mentoring includes the period of instruction given by the teacher in order to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in class. It will be also encouraged to attend conferences or seminars related to the course.

- Evaluation sessions. Through established evaluation systems the knowledge and capabilities acquired are evaluated.

Regarding the off-site activities, these include:

- Autonomous work of the student. Include the study of the material taught in the lectures as well as theoretical and practical study of the materials of classroom practices and laboratory hours, and the practical work or preparing the deliverables required by the teachers.

The following is an estimate of the number of hours for each activity:





On site





Practical activities



Laboratory hours



Hospital practices

Seminars/Group tutorials



Evaluation sessions



Off site

Autonomous work






Continuous assessment

The evaluation systems for continuous assessment will be the Evaluation of works or projects, both the product and the realization process, Evaluation of the oral presentation of works or projects, and Evaluation of works related to theory. The weight in the final grade of these assessment systems is detailed in the following table:

Evaluation system


Evaluation of practical tasks, both the product and the realization process


Evaluation of works related to theory


Attendance at the practical sessions will be taken into account. It is needed to attend at least 80% of the sessions in order to be eligible for continuous assessment. The evaluation of the practical tasks will include the completion of an authorship test. In order to participate in it, it is necessary to have at least 70% correct of the practical tasks assigned during the development of the subject.

Extraordinary evaluation

Regarding the extraordinary evaluation, students will carry out a set of practical tasks, which will have a weighting of 60% and a theoretical/practical exam that covers the contents of this guide whose weighting will be 40%.

Differentiated evaluation

The students who have been granted the differentiated evaluation must take a theoretical and practical exam that will have a weighting of 30% of the final grade. The remaining 70% will be the result of evaluating a set of practical tasks proposed by the professors whose theme and scope will be similar to those established for the ordinary/continuous evaluation.


Álvarez Pérez, B. et al. (2021): Manual de Análisis de los Estados Financieros, 3ª Edición corregida, Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo.

Álvarez Pérez, M. et al. (2017): Manual de Introducción a la Contabilidad, 3ª Edición corregida, Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo.

Martín Garrido, F.J. (2020): Contabilidad de Costes, Ed. Sanz y Torres, Alcorcón.

Mintzberg, H. (2012): La Estructuración de las Organizaciones, Ed. Ariel, Barcelona.

Wanden Berghe Lozano, J.L. y otros (2018): Manual de Contabilidad Financiera I, Ed. Pirámide, Madrid.

All resources and complementary documentation will be located on the subject's Web Page, within the Virtual Campus of the University of Oviedo.