
Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica

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Mecánica de Fluidos

Código asignatura
Segundo Semestre
Energía y Medio Ambiente (C.R. Industrial)
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (14 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (28 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (14 Hours)
Guía docente

The Fluid Mechanics course is a compulsory second course subject that is included in the common module of the Industrial branch, within the subject “Energy and Environment”. It is a 6 ECTS credits subject that joins, on the one hand, aspects of basic subject matter referring to the physical and mathematical foundations that govern fluid movements and, on the other hand, aspects of technological subject matter directly applied in the Engineering practice.

Fluid Mechanics is a discipline of great wealth and complexity, the study of which is essential in the training of professionals in Engineering, due to its involvement with the other technical and technological disciplines. Its knowledge is fundamental in the development of basic engineering sciences, as well as in the application of modern applied sciences within the fields of chemical, process, industrial or energy engineering.

The specific competences to be acquired with this subject are summarized in “Knowledge of the basic principles of Fluid Mechanics and their application to problem solving in the field of Engineering. Calculation of pipes, channels and fluid systems”, as set out in the descriptors of the OM Annex CIN / 351/2009 of February 9, relating to the skills to be acquired by students in relation to studies of Industrial Technical Engineering.

Finally, as the main objectives of specific training, in this subject students are expected to learn to:

  • Apply the principles of Fluid Mechanics to problem solving in the field of Engineering, evaluating and adopting reasonable simplifications in each situation.
  • Interpret the different variables of the fluid field and analyze the state of fluid-mechanical processes from the values of these variables.
  • Design, calculate, model, analyze and interpret the operation of hydraulic systems.

As it is a subject that is based on several basic subjects, it is recommended that students have prior knowledge of:

  • Linear Algebra: vector and matrix calculation.
  • Calculation and Extension of Calculation: operations with derivatives, integrals and resolution of differential equations.
  • Mechanics and Thermodynamics: fundamentals of kinematics, dynamics and energy transfer.
  • Strength of Materials: basic concepts about stress and deformation.

It is intended that students acquire the general skills CG1 to CG15 included in the Verification Report of the Degree.

On the other hand, the subject allows acquiring as a specific competence, the knowledge of the principles of Fluid Mechanics, as set out in the grade memory. At the end of the course, these competencies must be defined in learning outcomes. Specifically, students must be able to:

  • Understand and express mathematically the physical principles of Fluid Mechanics (RMF-1).
  • Apply the principles of Fluid Mechanics to problem solving in the field of Engineering, evaluating and adopting reasonable simplifications in each situation (RMF-2).
  • Interpret the variables of the fluid field and analyze the state of fluid dynamic processes from their values (RMF-3).
  • Calculate, project and interpret the operation of systems with fluid flow, in particular transport systems for pipelines and channels (RMF-4).
  • Design, develop physical and numerical models, and analyze systems with fluid flow (RMF-5).

Therefore, upon finishing the course, students must master the following contents:

  • Basic concepts of fluid properties and the most important variables to consider in this scientific discipline.
  • Definition and scope of rheology. Application of this field to the flow at low Reynolds numbers.
  • Knowledge of classical analysis techniques in Fluid Mechanics, that is, differential analysis, integral analysis and dimensional analysis.
  • Basic concepts of fluid statics applied to engineering problems.
  • Concepts related to the flow of liquids and gases and their differences.
  • Knowledge of applied hydrodynamics and aerodynamics.
  • Methodologies for analysis and experimentation in Fluid Mechanics.

The course comprises 150 hours of personal work by students, of which 60 hours are classroom work (expository classes, laboratory practices, group tutorials and assessment sessions) and 90 hours of non-classroom work (use of the Virtual Campus and individual work).The contents of the subject are divided into six chapters:

Chapter 1 - Fluid properties

  • Liquids and gases
  • Molecular and continuous models
  • Equations of state
  • Compressibility.
  • Vapor pressure
  • Surface tension.
  • Transport phenomena. Viscosity

Chapter 2 - Kinematics and conservation equations

  • Kinematic description of fluid fields
  • Conservation equations: differential and integral formulation
    • Conservation of the mass
    • Conservation of momentum
    • Conservation of energy
  • Particular cases
    • Static fluid
    • Ideal flow
  • Applications of the integral formulation

Chapter 3 - Fluid transport

  • Flow in pipes
  • Introduction to fluid machines and power systems
  • Flow in channels

Chapter 4 - Dimensional analysis and similarity

  • Dimensionless parameters
  • Similarity and model theory

Chapter 5 - Turbulence and boundary layer

  • Turbulence: instabilities and scales
  • Boundary layer
  • Flow around objects

Chapter 6 - Compressible flow

  • One-dimensional isentropic flow
  • Shock waves
  • Flow in nozzles
  • Introduction to acoustics

The distribution of the subject contemplates 60 attendance hours versus 90 non-attendance hours. On average, there are 2 hours per week of theory lessons during the 14 weeks of the semester, totaling the 28 hours of stipulated master classes. 14 hours of classroom practice sessions are also counted (7 sessions of 2 hours each), as well as 14 hours of laboratory practices and simulation.

The work methodology can be structured in four different sections: group learning with the teachers, individual study, seminars and practical work, and the final grade will be in accordance with the correct development of these sections.

Exceptionally, if the conditions do require so, some online activities could be implemented. In such cases, the student will be previously informed.

For ordinary calls, the final grade for the course is a weighted average between the mark of a written exam and the mark corresponding to the activities carried out by the students. The exam accounts for 75% of the final grade, while the activities represent the remaining 25% (15% corresponds to laboratory practices and 10% to other activities: questionnaires, participating in discussion forums, viewing or reading of additional material, resolution and delivery of proposed problems, delivery of work, etc.). In the assessment of laboratory practices and other activities, the active participation of students may be taken into account. The mark obtained, both in practices and in other activities, during an academic year, is valid for the May and June calls for that academic year and also for the January call for the following academic year.

A minimum mark of 3.5 points out of 10 is established in the exam to pass the course; If the exam mark is less than 3.5 points, the final mark obtained by weighing the exam mark together with the rest of the activities will be limited to a maximum value of 3.5 points.

For extraordinary calls, if the students have not carried out any complementary activity, the written exam will be the only test to be carried out and will be weighted (as in ordinary calls) by 75%. Therefore, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 6.7 points (out of 10) to pass the course; the mark of record in this case will be 75% of the exam mark (out of 10).

The differentiated assessment call, if requested, will consist of a written exam that will be weighted 90% on the final mark and also of a methodological test related to laboratory sessions and other activities carried out during the course to account for the remaining 10% of the final mark.

In addition, in both the exams and the other activities, it will be especially taken into:

  • Order, cleanliness and general presentation.
  • Proper writing and absence of misspellings.
  • Clarity, logical structure and level of detail of the resolution.
  • Use of suitable units. The use of incorrect units that do not maintain the dimensional coherence of the equations will be considered especially serious.
  • Validity of the results, without them being senseless or physically impossible.

Usually, the exam will be a standard written one, with the student attendance. Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, remote evaluation methods may be included. In this case, the students will be informed of the changes made.

  • Crespo A, Mecánica de Fluidos, Thompson, Madrid, 2006.
  • González J, Argüelles KM, Ballesteros R, Barrio R, Fernández Oro JM, Principios de Mecánica de Fluidos, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2010.
  • González J, Argüelles KM, Ballesteros R, Barrio R, Fernández Oro, JM, La Mecánica de Fluidos en 100 Problemas, Ed. Servicio Publicaciones Universidad de Oviedo, 2011.
  • Pritchard PJ, Fox and McDonald's Introducción a la Mecánica de Fluidos, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
  • Shames IH, Mecánica de Fluidos, 4a ed., McGraw – Hill. 2003.
  • Streeter VL, Wylie EB, Bedford KW, Mecánica de Fluidos, 9a ed., McGraw – Hill, 2000.
  • White FM, Mecánica de Fluidos, 7a ed., McGraw – Hill, New York, 2011.