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Problemas Actuales de Filosofía Natural
- Prácticas de Aula/Semina (21 Hours)
- Tutorías Grupales (4 Hours)
- Clases Expositivas (35 Hours)
"Contemporary Issues in Natural Philosophy" is a non-compulsory semester subject of a theoretical nature. It is taught as an optional subject in the first semester of the third year of the Degree in Philosophy, and it deals with certain special topics of the "Metaphysics" subject.
Natural Philosophy or Philosophy of Nature exists from the very origin of philosophy, by approaching from a philosophical perspective the analysis of the idea of Nature and the ideas associated with the explanation, interpretation and experimental manipulation of the natural world. Traditionally, this discipline has been considered as a special ontology and, therefore, a part of Metaphysics. However, the course that the scientific explanations of the functioning of the natural world have followed on which the ideas object of the Philosophy of Nature operate, as well as the orientation that the most recent currents of Metaphysics itself have followed, give it an identity particular within Metaphysics itself.Natural Philosophy has an inherent connection with Metaphysics. Likewise, by working on the ideas that arise from the knowledge and interpretation of the natural world, it is directly connected with Philosophy and the History of Science. Thus, Natural Philosophy is conceived as the set of philosophical problems that arise from the intersection between these three disciplines.
Tener aprobada la asignatura Filosofía Natural de segundo curso.
Cognitive skillsFN1 Know, from a historical perspective, the main problems, methods, concepts, theories and currents of general and regional Metaphysics, as well as their relations with the scientific, cultural, political and religious ideas of their time.FN2 Know, from a systematic perspective, the main problems, methods, concepts, theories and currents of general and regional Metaphysics, with special attention to the current state of its treatment and development.Instrumental skillsFN3 Argue correctly and persuasively in the field of Metaphysics.FN4 Interpret and comment on Metaphysical texts according to their internal structure and their location in the intellectual and cultural context in which they are framed.Critical skillsFN5 Evaluate concepts, methods and metaphysical theories involved in some of the main problems and debates that arise in the context of theoretical and technological developments associated with contemporary science.FN6 Critically examine myths, ideologies and political and social stereotypes in search of the clarification of their roots and ontological implications.Communication skillsFN7 Critically transmit concepts, arguments and metaphysical theories to specialized audiences in activities and forums such as conferences, congresses, round tables, technical meetings, virtual platforms, etc.FN8 Expose metaphysical concepts, arguments and theories to non-specialists in cultural activities and forums such as conferences, round tables, etc.Research skillsFN9 Manage the main techniques and instruments of philosophical documentation, with special emphasis on those that refer to the field of Metaphysics: databases, Internet pages and portals, repertoires, dictionaries, encyclopedias, compendiums, anthologies, etc.FN10 Compose and write philosophical works oriented towards Metaphysics: essays, research papers, doctoral theses, books and any other types of documents and relevant materials.
The organization of the contents is based on the location of the field of natural philosophy in the set of philosophical knowledge and its relations with these and with other forms of knowledge. Starting from the knowledge of the main metaphysical ideas about nature already addressed in the Natural Philosophy of the second year of the Degree, in this course we will rethink and expand the basic problems of the discipline with the treatment of current ideas associated with problems of the natural world, especially from the biological world. We will cover the following topics:1. - The Theory of Evolution. Structure, internal logic and confirmation.2. - Group selection and kin selection. The problem of biological altruism and the debate on the units of selection.3. - What is a good evolutionary explanation? The problem of adaptationism.4. - The construction of biological models: mechanisms and topology.5. - What are "model organisms" and what is their relevance in biology?6. - Stem cells, cancer, aging and regeneration.
Las actividades formativas presenciales programadas se concretan en treinta y una horas de clases expositivas mediante disertación del profesor ampliada por consultas bibliogricas o por otros medios, veintiuna horas de seminarios de trabajo en grupo con presentaciones individuales o de grupo y participación activa en debates, cuatro horas de tutoría grupal para orientar, supervisar y validar el desarrollo de los trabajos y cuatro de evaluación, dos correspondientes a pruebas intermedias y dos a una final mediante prueba escrita, a las que debe añadirse la estimación de unas noventa horas promedio de trabajo no presencial del alumno. De forma excepcional, si las condiciones sanitarias lo requieren, se podrán incluir actividades de docencia no presencial, en cuyo caso se informará al estudiantado de los cambios efectuados.
El detalle de la distribución por modalidades y sus porcentajes se muestra en la siguiente tabla:
MODALIDADES | Horas | % | Totales | ||
Presencial | Clases Expositivas | 31 | 20,7 | 60 | |
Práctica de aula / Seminarios / Talleres | 21 | 14,0 | |||
Prácticas de laboratorio / campo / aula de informática / aula de idiomas | 0 | 0,0 | |||
Prácticas clínicas hospitalarias | 0 | 0,0 | |||
Tutorías grupales | 4 | 2,7 | |||
Prácticas Externas | 0 | 0,0 | |||
Sesiones de evaluación | 4 | 2,7 | |||
No presencial | Trabajo en Grupo | 21 | 14,0 | 90 | |
Trabajo Individual | 69 | 46,0 | |||
Total | 150 |
Evaluation for the ordinary and extraordinary call:
For students who can attend classes in person, the evaluation will be carried out through:
1. Final written exam on the contents of the expository classes and their associated readings. (40% of the final grade)
2. Evaluation of the guided written works, taking into account their structure, coherence, and argumentative clarity, the difficulty and interest of the subject, as well as the use of bibliography and other sources of information. (30% of the final grade)
3. Assessment of the oral presentation of the written work for the subject, based on its expository clarity, its argument structure, and its internal coherence (10% of the final grade)
4. Assessment of attendance and participation in seminars and practical classes, taking into account the role played in group or individual presentations and debates, as well as in their preparation. (20% of the final grade)
In order to pass the subject it is essential: 1) to obtain at least a grade of 5 in the written exam; 2) have carried out the activities corresponding to section 2 within their deadlines.
In case of failing the exam, the final grade will be the exam grade. In case of not having carried out the activities corresponding to section 2 within the established deadlines, the student will not be able to take the exam. Students who cannot take the subject totally or partially in person must submit the activities corresponding to section 2 in the form and deadline (each of the activities to be carried out will be announced through the Virtual Campus), but will lose the percentage of the mark. corresponding to section 3.
On-site attendance is defined based on attendance at practical classes, requiring at least 70% attendance at practical classes.
Evaluation for students with differentiated evaluation granted:
Students with differentiated evaluation granted will be evaluated as follows:
1. Final written exam on the contents of the expository classes and their associated readings. (60% of the final grade)
2. Assessment of the guided written works, taking into account their structure, coherence, and argumentative clarity, the difficulty and interest of the subject, as well as the use of bibliography and other sources of information. (40% of the final grade)
Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, other remote assessment methods may be included, in which case the student body will be informed of the changes made.
For the proposed programming of contents there are, at the moment, no texts that serve as a handbook. However, students interested in having a broad perspective on some of the problems addressed can consult:- Ayala, F. J. & R. Arp (eds.) (2010) Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell.- Diéguez, A. (2012) Life under scrutiny. An introduction to the philosophy of biology. Buridan Library.- Fox Keller, E. & E. A. Lloyd (eds.) (1998) Keywords in Evolutionary Biology. Harvard University Press.- Hull, D. L. and M. Ruse (eds.) (2007) The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Cambridge University Press.- Sarkar, S. & A. Plutynski (eds.) (2008) A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell.- Sterelny, K. and P.E. Griffiths (1999) Sex and Death. The University of Chicago Press. Likewise, given the thematic structure of the course, for each topic students will be provided with the corresponding updated list of bibliography or other accessible resources, mainly through the Virtual Campus. The students will also be provided with access to the necessary texts for the seminars and programmed works.