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Request for transportation aid for Teaching and Research Staff


Transportation aid for Teaching and Research Staff.

Colectivo solicitante

Teaching and Research Staff


Teachers with assigned teaching responsibilities.

Organismo responsable

Teaching Staff.

Contacto responsable
985 10 39 41 and 985 10 39 42
985 10 40 24
  1. Request, at the beginning and all throughout the academic year, of any possible modification.
  2. Payment in bank account, within the first 10 days of the month following the movement.

Agreement of the Governing Council, dated May 3, 2007. Regulations for the payment of the Financial Aid for Transportation of the Teaching and Research Staff due to Teaching Activities at the University of Oviedo.

The regulation and application forms are found on the website of the University, under the "Payment of financial aid for transportation of the T&R Staff" section: https://intranet.uniovi.es/docencia/normativa/normativaprofesorado.

Lugares de solicitud

The corresponding Departments.

Formas de solicitar

Via internal e-mail.

Proceso de solicitud

View regulations.

Documentación relacionada


Under the "Payment of financial aid for transportation of the T&R Staff" section:

  • Application form for financial aid for transportation
  • Form for payments in bank account
  • Form for changes in banking information of third parties