External practices for students in companies. Students' and graduates' access.
- Descripción
Computer application for the request of external practices in companies which offer them for students of the University of Oviedo.
- Colectivo solicitante
Students and graduated from the University of Oviedo.
- Requisitos
Students enrolled in studies leading to the achievement of official titles offered at the centres of the University of Oviedo who meet the requirements set for such offer.
- Organismo responsable
Vice-Rector's Office for Students and Employment.
- Contacto responsable
Para aclarar cualquier duda les atenderemos en el teléfono 985104105 y en el correo
- Formas de solicitar
Si Vd es estudiante y solicita prácticas debe acceder a la aplicación a través de la intranet de la Universidad de Oviedo (Servicios Académicos SIES) con sus claves corporativas
- Proceso de solicitud
- Información adicional