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External practices for students in companies. Students' and graduates' access.


Computer application for the request of external practices in companies which offer them for students of the University of Oviedo.

Colectivo solicitante

Students and graduated from the University of Oviedo.


Students enrolled in studies leading to the achievement of official titles offered at the centres of the University of Oviedo who meet the requirements set for such offer.

Organismo responsable

Vice-Rector's Office for Students and Employment.

Contacto responsable

Para aclarar cualquier duda les atenderemos en el teléfono 985104105 y en el correo practicasexternas@uniovi.es

Formas de solicitar

Si Vd es estudiante y solicita prácticas debe acceder a la aplicación a través de la intranet de la Universidad de Oviedo (Servicios Académicos SIES) con sus claves corporativas

Proceso de solicitud

User's guide for Gestiempleo University of Oviedo.

Información adicional

Información en la web de la Universidad de Oviedo.