Collaboration Grants for the IT Service
- Descripción
Collaboration grants for the IT Services, aimed at the students of certain Degrees related to the field of computer sciences. Their goal is to improve the training of the students, through the service they can provide to the university community, collaborating in tasks that fit the areas defined in the current call. These tasks are compatible with their studies and allow them to starting working on fields related to them.
- Colectivo solicitante
Students enrolled in any of the following Degrees offered by the University of Oviedo:
- Adaptation to the/Degree in Software Computer Engineering
- Adaptation to the/Degree in Engineering of Technologies and Services for Telecommunication
- Adaptation to the/Degree in IT Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Technical Engineering in Computer Science of Systems
- Technical Engineering in Computer Sciences of Management
- Engineering in Telecommunications
- Technical Engineering in Telecommunications: Specialty in Telematics
- Master's Degree in Web Engineering
- Master's Degree in Computer Science Engineering
- Technical Engineering
- Requisitos
The ones set in the call for each academic year.
- Organismo responsable
Vice-Rector's Office for Students.
- Contacto responsable
- Vice-Rector's Office for Students.
- Address:
- C/ González Besada, 13, 33007 Oviedo
- Phone:
- 985 10 41 18
- Fax:
- 985 10 35 73
- Normativa
- Acuerdo de 28 de mayo de 2009, del Consejo de Gobierno de la Universidad de Oviedo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de becas de colaboración de la Universidad de Oviedo.
- Resolución del Vicerrector de Estudiantes, por la que se aprueba la convocatoria de 73 becas-colaboración para los servicios informáticos, curso académico 2022-2023, en régimen de concurrencia competitiva.
- Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones y su Reglamento, aprobado por Real Decreto 887/2006, de 21 de julio.
- Solicitud online
- Solicitar
- Formas de solicitar
- Proceso de solicitud
- Fill in the application form on the web portal for such purpose. In order to access the systems, applicants must enter the user and a password stored in the Direcvtory Service of the University of Oviedo for their use as a means of authentification of the users of the University of Oviedo.