La profesora titular de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Oviedo es experta en poesía española contemporánea
Araceli Iravedra, Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish Literature of the University of Oviedo, will take over the direction of the Ángel González Chair, a post without remuneration. The Government Council approved this week the creation of the new Chair, which is born with the purpose of promoting awareness of the figure and work of the poet and, in broad terms, of artistic and literary creation and the study of the humanities within society. Moreover, the Chair will promote research through grants, and it will seek agreements with other public and private institutions and entities to encourage the development of joint projects
Araceli Iravedra has a PhD in Spanish Philology from the University of Oviedo and has coordinated as lead researcher the R&D project for the National Science Plan Poesía y compromiso: estudio y edición poéticas en España (siglos XVIII-XIX-XX). She is currently directing the research project Canon y compromiso: poesía y poéticas españolas del siglo XX.
She has authored articles and chapters on Ángel González, Antonio Machado, Rafael Alberti, Blas de Otero, José Hierro, José Agustín Goytisolo, Antonio Colinas, Jorge Riechmann, Roger Wolfe o Luís García Montero, as well as others about the state of and issues faced by the Spanish poetry from 1939 to the present. Her articles have been published in journals such as Ínsula, Revista Hispánica Moderna, Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Iberomanía o Revue Romane.
She has done research internships in American universities (University of Columbia, National University of Mar del Plata), and has taken part as a speaker in numerous national and international congresses. Moreover, Araceli Iravedra has organized several courses and congresses, among them Penúltima nostalgia: la poesía de Ángel González (University of Oviedo, 2008).