

Lerner and Winter debate on the future of immune research at the University of Oviedo

The winners of the Prince of Asturias Award attended a business breakfast with national experts

The Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, Richard A. Lerner and Gregory Winter, participated this morning in a business breakfast held in the Cultural Centre LAUDEO (Historic Building) of the University of Oviedo with national experts in immunology.

The two scientists were received very early in the morning by the Rector, Vicente Gotor, and the Vice-Rector for Research and Campus of International Excellence, María Paz Suárez Rendueles, with whom they had a brief meeting before the breakfast.

For an hour and a half, Lerner and Winter exchanged views with Spanish researchers on issues of current concern in their field such as the future of technology applied to the development of antibodies or the possibility of these being efficient in intracellular diseases.

Furthermore, both researchers showed their interest in gathering information on the advances that can be done for the antibodies to be the resource used to guarantee graft tolerance. Likewise, they presaged that in the future the model of antibody libraries will probably be used to configure virus libraries.

Richard A. Lerner and Gregory Winter encouraged the Spanish researchers to keep on working for taking their ideas forward in the field of immunology despite the existing difficulties for discoveries to take shape in specific projects.