Students, teachers and administrative and service staff may attend the selection, which will take place at the Main Hall of from January 8 to February 13
The University Choir will start the selection process for access to incorporate new members starting today, Wednesday, January 8, until February 13. The selection is open to all the members of the university community: students, teachers and administrative and service staff. The process will take place at the Main Hall of LAUDEO Cultural Center of University Extension on Mondays and Thursdays between 8 PM and 9 PM, and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM.
The members of the Choir will be able to acquire and master a practical knowledge of their voice in a free Course of Choral Singing and Vocal Technique. In order to become part of the choir it is necessary to succeed in two tests. After the first one, if the applicant demonstrates keeness for music and a voice suitable for signing, a second test will include some of the songs of the repertoire, in order to assess the capacity of the applicants for learning the scores and their vocal integration into the group.
The students of the University will be able to validate their participation in the Choir with 3 ECTS credits (for Undergraduate Studies) or 6 free-elective credits (for programs not adapted to the EHEA), as long as they attend at least 90% of the rehearsals and concerts programmed. Moreover, they will be able to take advantage of an economic grant whose amount is established according to the possibilities of the budget.
People interested in taking part of the tests may go without previous appointment or request more information to the Office of the Vice-Rector for University Extension and Communication (Principado Street 3, 1st Floor), by calling 985 10 49 10/985 10 49 11, or via e-mail at