

The Equality Committee of the University of Oviedo has been created

This body will be in charge of creating the Equality Plan for the academic institution.

The Equality Committee of the University of Oviedo has been created this morning under the rector's presidency, Vicente Gotor. This body takes part into the recently-created Equality Unit of the Asturian academic institution and its main aim is to compose the Equality plan as well as the proposal and the supervision of all the initiatives which promote the values of equality in the academic area.

Apart from the rector, the Committee is composed by the Rector's Delegate for the Equality Unit, Carolina Martínez Moreno; the University Manager, Eusebio González; and the vice-rector for the Teaching Staff, Centres and Departments, Julio Antonio González, who represent the members of the governing team of the University. In order to integrate all the states and groups who compose the academic community and who will be affected by the Equality Plan, this body is completed with Rita Nespral and Enedina Moradiellos (PAS); representing the Teaching and the Researching Staff: Esther Álvarez, Pedro Riera y Juan Ángel Martínez; and as representatives of the trade unions: Cristina Fernández (SIPU), Isabel Antón (CCOO) and Gemma Campo (UGT).

Carolina Martínez explained to the Committee the work lines which were started in the Equality Unit, with an analysis of the Spanish universities situation. 73% of the 50 public universities have created an equality unit or a similar body, and just under half have approved an equality plan.

The first Committee goal is to start the composition of the Equality Plan, which will have among its central topics the awareness and the creation of a state likely to give the same chances, the organization of the work conditions with a gender perspective, the promotion of some measures which guarantee a balanced representation in the different bodies and any other body with a gender-balanced or a plural composition. In the next meetings, there will be specific proposals for actions and measures to implement equality.