

The digitalization of scientific journals of the University of Oviedo increases users and international impact

The digital platform REUNIDO had more than 585.000 visits in a year, and half of them came from America

The digitalization of scientific journals of the University of Oviedo has highly increased its audience and international impact. The platform REUNIDO, which collects 12 online specialized publications, has received more than 585.000 visitors- more than half of them coming from America – since it was created at the end of 2011. Throughout this time users have accessed more than 2.490.000 sites in the repository.

The objective of REUNIDO is to provide free and immediate access at no cost to specialized research carried out at the University of Oviedo. Saving costs and accessibility have helped the promotion of the digital repository of scientific journals, which until now were only available in paper format.

The platform, managed by the Publication Service of the University of Oviedo, has increased users month by month, with a high international orientation. Although visits are led by Spanish users, more than half of the entries come from the American continent. EEUU and Mexico are in the first places followed by other Latin American countries like Argentina, Chile, Peru or Ecuador.

REUNIDO offers multidisciplinary and open content. The latest addition to the repository is the journal Res Mobilis. International Research journal of furniture and decorative objects, linked to the research group arts and crafts, which develops its work in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. The publication offers experts and general public, detailed information on interior design throughout history.

The most searched for terms

Within the diverse offer of REUNIDO, the most common searches leading users to the platform are related to behavioral disorders, behavioral patterns in youngsters or subjects related to learning in classrooms.

Many of them will be dealt with in one of the most consolidated publications offered by REUNIDO, the journal Psicothema, which is an international psychology publication linked to the University of Oviedo since it was born. The electronic platform offers more than 2.100 research articles on research published on Psicothema since 1989.

REUNIDO offers the complete collection of Archivum, journal created in 1951 and hard to find; the publications Trabajos de Geología, Liño, Ería, Territorio, Sociedad y Poder, Revista electrónica de Metodología Aplicada, Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana and Economics and Business Letters.

The platform in charge of the electronic management of the active journals of the University of Oviedo is Open Journal System (OJS) (free software and open source). OJS has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project, Canadian body consisting of the Universities British Columbia, Simon Fraser and Stanford, and which aims to promote the development of open access publications.

OJS provides a solution for an efficient and unified management of all the publishing process, starting from submitting articles, their assessment, and finally their publication, indexation and reading. Its objective is to increase the quality of the publications, offering more transparent policies and improving the indexing.