

The University of Oviedo starts its period of closure during the holidays

The Centers and the administrative services of the institution will open again on Thursday, January 2, 2014. The Registry of the University of Oviedo will remain open during this period and online procedures may be conducted on the institutional website.

The University of Oviedo begins the holidays period with the closure of its premises between December 24 and January 1, both included. The General Registry of the academic institution, located at Plaza de Riego, will remain open to ensure the minimum services required by the university community.

Furthermore, all of the administrative and academic procedures may be conducted via the website of the University, since during this period the IT Service will continue to work normally. The remaining premises and services of the University will remain closed.

As part of the number of measures taken to achieve a greater and better efficiency in the management, the University of Oviedo approved in 2012 a regulation to limit the expenditure of the institution by establishing compulsory holiday periods during Easter, Christmas and August.