

Business ideas competition for students and graduates

Winners will receive a cash prize and they will have support so as their project can be feasible.

The University of Oviedo and the AJE Foundation (Young Entrepreneurs Association of the Principality of Asturias) have launched a competition called "I have a brilliant idea, Are you interested in it?". This is an announcement meant for students and graduates from the Asturian University who can turn a project into a viable business initiative. .

Participants will have to elaborate an idea and expose it in front of a business jury that will evaluate the proposals. Those considered more original, with greater potential and best presented, will be able to win one of the three cash prizes of 3000, 2000 and 1000 Euros, respectively. Moreover, they will be supported so as their project can be funded.

There will be two categories of participation: freely or through the registration in the university extension course. "Herramientas para la creatividad y desarrollo de nuevos negocios"("Tools to be creative and to develop new businesses"). This second category consists on a formative programme designed to facilitate the presentation of ideas to the competition. After passing the course, 4,5 elective credits can be obtained as well as the reimbursement of the eighty per cent of the registration fees. The deadline for registration, which has to be made via uniovi.es, will finish the 23rd of February.

This contest is boosted by the Vice-rector for Students and Employment, in the framework of the Development of Entrepreneurial Culture of the Principality of Asturias, and it counts with the collaboration of the AJE Foundation and sponsorship of the Bancaja Young Entrepreneurs Chair of the University of Oviedo.