This programme will be taught in the School of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic School of Engineering in Gijón, Jovellanos University School of Trade, Tourism and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business.
The University of Oviedo has planned a programme of preparatory courses aimed to those students who want to register in any of the bilingual paths offered by the institution during the 2011-2012 academic course. They are called "Zero Courses" and its main goal is that students can understand and get benefit of the lessons which will be taught in English during the whole degree.
The enrolment must be done in the online registration form by filling the box which is designed for that purpose. The pre-registration period for the Zero Course (web registration and submission of the application form) will end on the next 27th of August.
These courses will deal with lexical-semantic, syntactic, pragmatic and phonological contents corresponding to B1.2 level from the MCERL. In each case, the terms of the disciplines which will then be studied will be emphasized too.
The centres in which these courses will be taught are the School of Computer Engineering (Oviedo), Polytechnic School of Engineering in Gijón, Jovellanos University School of Trade, Tourism and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business. They all will begin on the next 1st of September, for groups up to 25 students and they will last 20 hours.