

LAUDEO played host to the prize presentation of the II Literary Contest University of Oviedo

During the ceremony,the first edition of El Tango de Penélope and Los tres mil cuentos de Marcelino Tongo were presented

The Assembly Hall of LAUDEO played host to the presentation of the prizes of the II Literary Contest University of Oviedo, which on this occasion awarded the collection of poems El tango de Penélope, by Jaime Martínez, and the book of short stories Los tres mil cuentos de Marcelino Tongo, written by Diego Álvarez and Jaime Martínez.

The Vice-Rector for University Extension and Communication, Vicente Domínguez, presided over the prize presentation ceremony accompanied by one of the winners, Jaime Martínez, and by the lecturer of Latin Philology, Juan José García González, who was in charge of presenting the winning works.

In his speech, lecturer García showed his "satisfaction and astonishment" at the quality of the winning works, which have been published by the University of Oviedo as part of the prize. Juan José García praised "the display of creativity and imagination" captured in Los tres mil cuentos de Marcelino Tongo and definded El tango de Penélope as "an authentic laboratory for experimenting with poetry".

For his part, Jaime Martínez, thanked the jury's sensitivity towards their works and apoligised for the absence of his partner Diego Álvarez in the presentation, who was abroad. The ceremony ended with the reading of some excerpts from the winning works.

The prize of the II Literarary Contest of the University of Oviedo amounts to 1,000 euros for the winner in each category and the publication of the winning works.