

The new University Senate of the University of Oviedo has been constituted

The order of the day included the election of the Board, who will call the next meeting of the university body

The constituent meeting of the new Senate of the University of Oviedo was held this morning at the Faculty of Economics and Business, chaired by the Rector, Vicente Gotor. The members elected by the teaching and researching staff, the administration and services staff and students last 12 November attended the first meeting of the body.

The order of the day included the Constitution of the University Senate and the Election of the Board. The University Senate is formed by Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez (Sector A); Isabel Fernández-Moyano Rosón (Sector B); Rosa Iluminada Montes Díez (Sector C) and Celestina Asunción Olvido Fernández González (Sector D).

According to the Regulations for the Senate of the University of Oviedo, once the Board was elected and constituted, the Rector adjourned the session. The new Board will call the next ordinary meeting of the university body, which will take place throughout December.