

Report of the Experts' Commission for the Reform of the Spanish University System

The document includes proposals for the selection of the staff, quality, studies, government and financing.

The Experts' Commission for the Reform of the Spanish University System has handed over to the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, José Ignacio Wert, a document of "Proposals for the Reform and Improvement of the Quality and Efficiency of the Spanish University System", in which the conclusions reached by the group are included.

The document has been backed the totality of the members of the Commission, which has worked on it until the end of its duties. Nevertheless, two teachers—Oscar Alzaga y Mariola Urrea—regardless of having backed the report in its entirety, have submitted an addendum with their reservation to two chapters of the report, those concerning the selection of the staff and the government of the universities.

The report includes several sections on the selection of the Teaching and Research Staff of public universities, assessment of the quality of the universities, university studies and degrees, and the government and financing of the universities.
