

The Governing Council of the University approves the budget for 2013

The budget amounts to 197,9 million euros, which means a reduction of 6,43%

The Governing Council of the University of Oviedo that took place on January, 4, 2013 has approved the draft budget for 2013, which has been submitted to the Social Council for its final approval.

The total amount of the budget is 197.908.321 euros, with a reduction of 6,43% compared to the budget for 2012. The decrease of the income expected in this period, mainly concerning transfers coming from other Public Administrations with a reduction of 7,60%, means a huge effort to cut down expenses.

One of the main objectives of this budget is to give the right coverage to personnel expenses for the year. Therefore, a great effort has been made to reduce costs in other budgetary sections. The great amount of expenses with financing required and the need to cover essential structural needs, mean additional difficulties when making adjustments.

As regards income, the main reduction is related to transfers, either current or capital. The section corresponding to personnel expenses in the Expenditure Budget amounts to 131.048.603 euros, which shows a reduction of 1,14% compared to the initial budget last year. The most significant reductions correspond to current expenditure on goods and services, being the reduction in investment throughout the year similar to the decrease in capital income.