The period for requesting the necessary documentation that proves the admission into a PhD Program closes on July 4. Students may apply for a grant until July 12.
The Council for Education, Culture and Sports has opened a new call for grants from the "Severo Ochoa" program of pre-PhD financial aid for research and teaching, whose objective is to promote the teaching and research formation of PhD students through the writing of a PhD Thesis in the Principality of Asturias.
The researchers who wish to receive the grant must be enrolled in a PhD Program. The period for requesting the necessary documentation will be opened until July 4, 2013, through the following e-mail address: Students will have to provide their personal information (name, surnames and national ID card), name of the Master's Degree that they are doing or have finished, name of the PhD Program they wish to enrol in and their personal CV in PDF format. If the student has done their Master's Degree in another university, they will also have to provide a copy of its academic certification. The resolution of admitance into the PhD Program may be retrieved from the International Center for Postgraduate Studies starting on July 10.
Some of the criteria used for assigning the grants are the average mark of the applicant's official academic record, their CV, the scientific interest and quality of the project of PhD Thesis (with a special consideration for those admitted into a PhD Program given the Excellence Award or with a favorable evaluation by the ANECA), the CV of the director of the Thesis, as well as the research activity of the research group that the applicant will join during the past five years.
Students will have to provide, through the following e-mail address, their personal information (name, surnames and national ID card), name of the Master's Degree that they are doing or have finished, name of the PhD Program they wish to enrol in and their personal CV in PDF format.
Achieving the degree of Doctor finalizes the formation period of the students and will allow them to the perfecting and professional specialization of their career as researchers. From the start, they will be hired with a pre-PhD contract, or the contract modality that corresponds to the labor regulations for private agents of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation. The maximum duration of the grants will be of four years. The period for application closes on July 12. The procedure to apply for a grant is detailed int he resolution of the BOPA that can be read in the links section of this article.