Full professor of Physical Chemistry wins the election and becomes the new Rector after beating José Muñiz, who has obtained 48,77% in the voting system
Full Professor of Physical Chemistry has been elected Rector of the University of Oviedo with 51,17% of the votes as opposed to the 48,77% obtained by Full Professor of Psychometry José Muñiz in the second round of the elections of the academic institution. Participation rate has reached 26,67% of the 25.000 voters, almost like on April 21 (26,48%), when the first voting process was held to elect the new Rector, who was up to now, Vicente Gotor.
Participation rate has reached 26,67% of the 25.000 voters, almost like on April 21 (26,48%), when the first voting process was held to elect the new Rector, who was up to now, Vicente Gotor.
The Electoral Board has announced García Granda as new Rector on a provisional basis, and the formal announcement will be held on May 5. Once all formalities are duly completed, the new Rector will take office, probably around the middle of May. García Granda obtained in absolute figures 3.665 votes while Muñiz obtained 2.687 de Muñiz and 231 blank votes.
As for sectors, the highest participation was that of the group of PhD lecturers with a permanent position, with 88,08% (1.156 voters); followed by the Administration and Services Staff (PAS), with 76,14% (721); and a participation of 57,63% of the rest of the teaching and research staff (646); and finally the students, with 19,16% of the participation (4.138 votes). Overall, there have been 6.661 voters in a census of 24.957.
The new Rector is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oviedo. He graduated in 1980 and received his PhD in 1984, and then he completed his academic training as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nijmegen (Holland), between 1985 and 1987, with Professor Paul T. Beurskens. Santiago García Granda is specialized in structure determination, crystallography, and diffraction. Ex-president of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA), he has recently been appointed as Ordinary Member del Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography.
He has a long teaching career both in the Degree in Chemistry and different PhD studies. He also teaches bilingual courses, Spanish and English, in Master programs of the University of Oviedo and the International University Menéndez Pelayo.
He has written more than 500 scientific papers, several chapters in books and numerous communications and lectures about physical chemical studies on new materials, molecular structure, crystallography, diffraction and calculation methods. His H-index is 44. He is co-author of the program of crystallography DirDif quoted more than 3.000 times and has directed more than 30 research projects, both on a national and European level, contracts with companies and scientific dissemination projects.
He directs the Research Group SYSTAM, of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, considered Group of Excellence of the Principality of Asturias since 2001. He was in charge of setting up the infrastructure for the Spanish Line of Sincrotrón of the ESRF. He has directed 18 PhD Theses. His research activity has been positively evaluated in 5-year periods and he has 7 year-periods of his teaching career successfully recognized.
Managing responsibilities
From May 2008 to April 2012 he was Vice-rector for Research at the University of Oviedo, and executive secretary in the R+D Sector Event of the CRUE. During the 35 years he has devoted to the University of Oviedo, he has held different positions, among others, secretary of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry from 1990 to 1994; vice dean of the Faculty of Chemistry from 1998 to 2008; coordinator of the Internal Evaluation Commission of the Degree in Chemistry; president of the Follow Up Commission of the Improvement Plan of the Degree in Chemistry and member of the Commission in charge of the elaboration of the Degree in Chemistry in 2008; founder of the Scientific-Technical Service of Resolution of Crystalline Structures from X-Ray Diffraction and also director of this service for more than 20 years, as well as coordinator of the Computers Network and the management of the communications network of Scientific Computing of the Faculty of Chemistry.