

The University of Oviedo records an increase on incoming students from China

Asian students prefer the Masters' Degrees in Spanish Language and Linguistics, Economics and Tourism Management and Planning

Ye Tian hopes the studies undertaken at the University of Oviedo will result in getting a good job in her country, in case he finally decides not to stay in Asturias. This young student is part of the community of Chinese students who will undertake graduate and master studies. All of them, 39 this year, were welcomed on Thursday by the University authorities, who have confirmed the increase in the number of students coming from China.

Ye Tian speaks Spanish quite well. He has attended classes in the House of Languages that will help him overcome linguistic barriers in his linguistic studies. Why the University of Oviedo? "The city is wonderful, the university offers a great study atmosphere and professors are very kind", says the student. Ye Tian points out the huge differences between the University of Oviedo and the ones in his country. "Here, professors are very kind and friendly in class; in China they are strict and serious. Studying here makes me feel happy", he states. This young Chinese student hopes to make the most of his studies when he goes back to his country. "There are few students who learn Spanish there, so it is very useful to get a good job", he says.

Zhang Meng Hang, with more language difficulties, has just arrived to Asturias bringing with her a traditional Chinese musical instrument that she brings everywhere. "I came here to study Spanish and get to know the Spanish culture", she explains. "I have brought with me an old Chinese instrument to show people that music has no barriers", she says.

Those 39 students from different Chinese universities, plus three lecturers, have been welcomed by Covadonga Betegón, Vice-Chancellor for Internationalization and Postgraduate Programs and Alberto Fernández Costales, director for International Relations for Latin America, Rest of the World and Cooperation Development. Vicente Gotor, rector of the University, was also present in the room where the welcoming event was held, in the historical building, to wish them a fruitful performance in their studies.

Betegón highlights that Chinese students are showing and increasing interest in the Asturian University. In fact, those 39 students who will undertake graduate and master studies have set a historical record since 2009. The Vice-Chancellor for Internationalization explains that, during their first year in Asturias, these students take Spanish classes in the House of Languages and choose at the same time some graduate courses. Once they complete the first year, the complete the Master´s Degree to earn the title.

The most attractive specialties for Chinese students are Spanish Language and Linguistics, Economics and Tourism Management and Planning. The increasing number of students coming from China is due, according to the Vice-Chancellor, to the student attraction policies developed in situ they have been implementing for years. The academic authorities in Oviedo have strengthened links with Chinese universities to promote the arrival of those students to Asturias. These links with higher education institutions have become stronger since 2009, as a result of some actions developed by the Campus of International Excellence, like the Astur-China Bridges program.

In the current academic year, the University of Oviedo is welcoming students from the following institutions:

  • 19 from the University of Shandong Weihai.
  • 3 from the Noemal University of Shandong.
  • 2 from the University of Lin Yi.
  • 9from the University of Women.
  • 6 from the Technological Institute of Beijing.
  • 2 Lecturers from Beijing.
  • 1 Lecturer from Lin Yi.