

A total of 3.879 students will take the university entrance exam PAU to access the University of Oviedo

The examination will start tomorrow June 2, at 15:45 with the Spanish Language and Literature Exam

3.879 students have formalized their registration in Asturias to take the University Entrance Exam (PAU) which will take place on June 2, 3 and 4. 2.138 of them are women and 1.741 are men. There is a slight decrease, as 3960 students took the exam in June last year. 
Exams will be delivered in Oviedo, Gijón, Avilés, Mieres, Ribadesella, Cangas del Narcea and Tapia de Casariego. A group consisting of 382 people will be responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the process. 
The PAU exam is structured in two phases: a general phase, compulsory for all students, which evaluates the skills and maturity of the student. Passing this exam grants access to the university, with no expiry date. The second phase is the specific one, which is optional and evaluates knowledge and reasoning skills in the fields related to the studies to be undertaken, and it may also improve the mark obtained in the general phase. This is particularly advisable to access studies with admission restrictions.
The exams of the general phase will start at 15:45 with the Spanish Language and Literature exam. Then students will take the History of Spain or History of Philosophy exams at 18:00. The general phase will finish on June 3 in the morning, with the Foreign Language exam at 9:30 and another exam on a 2 baccalaureate module at noon.
The specific phase of the PAU exams, in which students will take a minimum of two and maximum of 4 subjects, will start on June 3 at 15:45 with the Physics, Universal Literature, Artistic Drawing II, or Musical Analysis exams. At 18:00 students will take Technical Drawing II, Business Economics, Latin II and Performing Arts. 
On June 4, at 9:30, students will take the Chemistry, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences II, or History of Music and Dance exams. At 11:45 students will take Mathematics II, Art History or Electrotechnology.
Starting at 15:45, students will be given the exams on Biology, Industrial Technology II or Geography and at 18:00 Earth and Environmental Sciences, Latin Greek II and Design.