

Researchers design the pedagogical model of the latest European innovations in online education

A team from the University of Oviedo participate in an ambitious project that seeks to reach more than 50,000 teachers in the EU

Researchers from the University of Oviedo participate in an ambitious European project that focuses on the design and development of innovation in the methodology and technological tools used for the Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC). The project aims at reaching more than 50,000 teachers throughout Europe and includes the participation of universities and enterprises.

A total of 14 researchers of the Asturian academic institution, coordinated by Dr. Aquilina Fueyo, are part of the project, developed alongside 20 European universities and enterprises. Although the work of the University of Oviedo has a cross-curricular nature, its contribution is focused on the pedagogical aspect of the project, since most of its experts belong to the Department of Education Sciences.

Online massive and open courses constitute a new and valuable formative tool to reach teachers and the general public. For the next three years, the research team will work on ECO: E-learning Comunication and Open Data: Masive, Mobile, Ubiquitous and Open Learning de la Unión Europea, a project funded by the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), to innovate and improve the metodology, contents and technology of the MOOCs.

The global budget for the project amounts to 4.6 million Euros. These innovations will be implemented in a total of 14 MOOCs on diverse themes, including those related to Digital Skills and ICTs for the Design of Open Online Courses; Digital Literacy and e-Skills; MOOC and e-Learning; e-Learning and Project Management; Geographical Information Systems; Flipped Classroom; Creativity, Communication and Mobile Learning, etc.

The first results of the work will be shared in the next few days during a meeting between all the partners at the University Alberta of Portugal in Lisbon. The team from the University of Oviedo will show a preliminary report of the pedagogical model that it has designed, alongside a group of partners, and will also propose the planning of the tasks related to designing and evaluating the courses that it coordinates.