The executive board of the program debates how to strenghten the relations in terms of teaching and research between the 20 European and Latin American partners
The executive board of the Erasmus Mundus PUEDES program has met this week at the University of Oviedo to start the selection of the 120 European and Latin American students that, during the next academic year, will go on an international mobility thanks to the project led by the Asturian academic institution. Moreover, the partners have debated the possibilities of strenghtening the collaborations in terms of teaching and research between the twenty participating universities.
The Erasmus Mundus PUEDES project is another of the strategic actions developed as part of the Campus of International Excellence to promote mobiltiy, internationalization and the recruitment of talent in the Asturian academic institution.
Starting on September 1, Graduate and Postgraduate students, researchers and members of the administrative staff will go on their international mobilities funded by the PUEDE program (University Participation in Economic and Social Development in Latin America). It is an Erasmus Mundus-Action 2 project funded by the European Committee with 4 million Euros and coordinated by the University of Oviedo.
The project is composed by a total of 20 partners that include 6 European universities, located in Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom, and 13 Latin American Universities, located in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru. The places available at the exchange are offered to all the fields of knowledge, but the program gives priority to those that may contribute more directly to the social and economic development of the participating third party countries: Business Management and Administration, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences.