The academic institution has made a report on the progress of the CIE during the past four years for the organ composed by public institutions and economic and social agents that take part in the strategic action
The University of Oviedo has gathered the Monitoring Committee of the Campus of International Excellence to compose a report on the development of the Ad Futurm project during the past four years, starting with the achievement of the Seal in November of 2009. The Rector, Vicente Gotor, and the President of the Principality, Javier Fernández, have presided over the meeting with the majors and the representatives from the town councils, and the economic and social agents of ther egion. They have both coincided in the importance of maintaining the international mention in the definitive process that the international committee of experts will hold during 2014.
The Vice-Rector for Research and Campus of International Excellence, Paz Suárez Rendueles, presented the report on the actions of the CIE Ad-Futurm (2009-2014), which details the progress on the areas of teaching and internationalization, and the relations with the business sector and the territorial environment. Suárez Rendueles highlighted the main achievements of the Seal of Excellence.
Among other matters, the report mentions the plan of bilingualism, with the establishment of 14 bilingual Degrees; the creation of Erasmus Master's Degrees, with three of them being coordinated by the University of Oviedo; the Double Degrees in the academic institution and the collaboration with foreign universities; the improvement in the main research markers, especially in the areas of specialization of the CIE: Energy, the Environment and Climate Change, and Biomedicine and Health; the increase of research projects in competitive calls alongside the enterprise, and the collaboration actions of the productive sector and regional institutions.
The Rector, Vicente Goto, reminded the audience that by the end of 2014, it will be known whether the University keeps the Seal of Excellence. "It is essential that we work during these six months to maintain the Seal", he claimed. Vicente Gotor also announced that, in the next few months, the University will create different chairs with Asturian enterprises to boost the relations with the regional industry. In turn, the President of the Asturian government, Javier Fernández, highlighted the role that the clusters of the CIE have been playing and claimed that "in such a complex and difficult situation, we have to congratulate the University for maintaining the Seal and for the work it has been doing".
The program of the Campus of International Excellence is part of the Estrategia 2015 of the Government of Spain and, even though it does not have a dedicate funding anymore, it maintains the monitoring of the objectives agreed upon in previous calls. The University of Oviedo was one of the first nine to obtain the Seal of Excellence with the Ad Futurum project, in 2009.