
Máster Universitario en Conversión de Energía Eléctrica y Sistemas de Potencia


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Simulación Aplicada a Vehículos Híbridos/Eléctricos

Código asignatura
Primer Semestre
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (11.5 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (6.5 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (2.5 Hours)
Guía docente

The Master’s course:

The main goal of the Master’s Degree in “Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems” (EECPS Master) is the training of qualified staff in areas related to electrical energy management, emphasizing in power systems for renewable energies. The Master presents a double approach: scientific and professional. In the scientific thread, training focuses on the design of two main applications: Electrical Power Systems and Electrical and Hybrid Traction Systems. On the other hand, in the professional thread, training is focused on the management of electrical energy. Thus, the subjects of this thread have been designed attending to two main issues, such as the management of energy in large consumers and the generation and transmission of electrical energy in a liberalized market. Three main lines have been considered as keystones in the Master:

  • Electrical Power Systems
  • Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies

The third semester:

The third term has been designed according to two possible tracks: professional and research. The first one is focused on the acquisition of the required competences for the management of electric energy, with a special emphasis on energy efficiency and renewable energies. The second track approaches the technology development and the  industrial  design  established  in  the  specific  competences  of  the  master  lines:

"Power systems" and "Electric / Hybrid vehicle". This subject belongs to this latter track.

The subject:

This subject covers the simulation of complex vehicular systems, including Full Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Vehicles. It covers the steady state and transient response of the full system, the closed loop operation of the elements of the system, the power balance between different generators and loads, the bidirectional power flow, and so on.

The subject is aimed to complement the knowledge and skills acquired in the rest of the subjects that are simultaneous to this one within the scientific-technical research track, mainly "Power Systems in hybrid (HEVs) and electric (EV) vehicles” and “Energy storing and recovering in power systems and HEV and EV”.

The student must have passed completely the 60 ECTS corresponding to the first year of the master. It is also recommended to be simultaneously coursing the subjects corresponding to the scientific-technical research track.

Basic Competences:

·         Be original in the development and application of ideas, within a research environment. (CB6)

·         Solution of problem in new and unfamiliar multidisciplinary environments, related to its knowledge area. (CB7)

·         Integration of knowledge, facing the complexity of issuing judgments and sentences parting from some information that includes ethic and social liability constraints. (CB8)

·         Ability of communicating justified decisions and conclusions, to specialized and unspecialized listeners. (CB9)

·         Ability of autonomous learning. (CB10)

Generic Competences:

·         Writing,  communicating  and  presenting  scientific  documents  to  specialists, within  the  scope  of  the  contents  of  the  Master  Degree  (electric  power systems, hybrid and electrical vehicles and renewable energies) (CG1)

·         Knowledge of the principal mathematic tools used in the analysis, modelling and simulation of power systems. (CG3)

·         Use of computers and digital processors in the analysis, design, simulation, monitoring, control and supervision of power systems. (CG4)

·         Skills related to teamwork, recognizing different roles within a group and different ways of organizing research teams. (CG9)

·         Abilityto manage information: search, analysis and synthesis of the specific technical information. (CG10)

·         Abilityto assimilate and communicate information in English concerning technical aspects (CG11)

·         Abilityto planand organizework (CG12)

·         Skills for critical reasoning, making decisions and making judgments based on information that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities of professional activity (CG13)

·         Concern forquality and achievement motivation (CG14)

Specific Competences:

·         Ability to analyse and understand the design of electric drives (CE9)

·         Acquire the knowledge of power electronics needed to analyse and design electrical and hybrid traction systems (CE11)

·         Ability to understand the importance and particular issues of the control and monitoring  systems  used  in  electrical  and  hybrid  traction  systems (CE12)

·         Ability  to  understand  how  the  different  auxiliary  systems  and  sub-systems (lighting and signalling, navigation, communications, etc.) are integrated into the EV/HEV, and how do they constrain the design of the whole system (CE13)

·         Ability  to  understand  the  necessity  for  systems  and  strategies  of  energy storage  and  recovery  in  electrical  and  hybrid  vehicles  (CE14)

·         Ability  of  understanding  the  concepts,  strategies  and  power  transmission systems involved in the design of the electrical and hybrid vehicle (CE15)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Knowing the design processes and technologies involved in the practical realization of hybrid / electric. (RA143)
  • Management of different simulation environments, modeling and analysis of a full or hybrid  electric  vehicle,  taking  into  account  the  multidisciplinary  nature  of  the  knowledge involved in the system (electrical engineering, electronics, control systems, etc.).  (RA144)
  • Integrate the various modeling and simulation tools and their integration with other electronic CAD tools (control circuit manufacturing, rapid prototyping, etc.). (RA145)
  • Understanding  the  problem  of  transients  in  hybrid  /  electric,  and  application  of different techniques for their removal. (RA146)

Contents of the subject:

Programs and software environments for simulation of EV / HEV

Systems simulation: Matlab/Simulink

EV / HEV Power Systems simulation: SimPowerSystems (Simulink), PSIM

Electromechanical systems simulation for EV / HEV: SymMechanics (Simulink)

Combined simulations to electrical traction.

Simulation of power stages for inductive charging: resonant converters

These contents will be developed in the following syllabus:

Lesson 1: Introduction

    - Overview. HEV/EV needs and objectives for power conversion.

    - An overview on available simulation platforms and their interfaces.

Lesson 2:Simulation for EV:

    - Simulation of power converters for traction applications. Regenerative braking

    - Simulation of power converters for battery charging

    - Simulation of power converters for power sharing

Lesson 3.Simulation for HEV:

    - Simulation of power converters for series HEV configuration

    - Simulation of power converters for parallel-series HEV configuration

As it can be observed in the next table, the numbers of hours assigned to this course are divided in “In-class work” and “homework”. Among the “in-class work” hours are divided in lectures, seminars, laboratory, group tutoring and evaluation sessions. Professor will use to expound the theoretical basis of the subject. However, active learning methods such as “class discussions”, “think-pare-share”, “short exercises“ or ”student debates” will be applied in order to keep an active attitude. Concepts stated in lectures must be applied to solve different types of problems or developing computer projects in seminars or computer lab respectively. The group tutoring sessions will be used to discuss about the theoretical concepts explained in lectures or their application seminars or computer lab.









Class practice / Seminars



Laboratory practice / field / computer / languages



Clinic practice



Group tutoring



Internships (in external companies or institutions)



Evaluation sessions




Group work




Autonomous work





Students will have to develop two different individual simulation projects to carry out.

Two written reports  will be uploaded at a given date, along with the necessary files for proper simulation of the work. As an option, the students will have a feedback (first revision) with an initial mark. If the student carries out the mandatory/suggested changes given in the first evaluation, and uploads a final version within a given later date, the mark will be revised.

The students might be requested to make a presentation of the project showing the simulation files, the main plots and graphs, conclusions, etc., using, if considered convenient, a PowerPoint presentation. After the presentation, the student should answer any eventual question by the teachers.

Late computer projects or reports will not generally be accepted.

The students will have a written/oral exam about the course contents.

The reports and project including active participation during the classes will account for 40%

The presentation will account for 20%

The exam will account for 40%

For the case of students in part-time dedication scheme, a specific differentiated assessment procedure ("evaluación diferenciada") is put in place. Students under this scheme will not have a mark on the "active participation during the classes" share on the reports and projects qualification, and the total grade will be calculated proportional to the remaining percentages. The oral tests for these students will be scheduled on a specific agreed date, and online oral presentation will be available. Also, the rest of the tests might be moved to a specific date if not attendance to the original date is justified.

Auxiliar Resources:

  • P. Thounthong, S. Rael, "The benefits of hybridization ,"IEEE Ind. Electron. Maga.,vol. 3, no. 3, pp. , Sep 2009. 
  • “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles; Fundamental, Theory and Design”, 2nd edition. M. Ehsani et Al., CRC Press, 2010
  • “Hybrid Vehicles and the future of personal transportation”, A.E. Fuhs, CRC Press, 2009

