
Máster Universitario en Conversión de Energía Eléctrica y Sistemas de Potencia


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Topologías de Potencia y Métodos de Control en Aplicaciones de FACTS y HVDC

Código asignatura
Primer Semestre
Pertenece al itinerario Bilingüe
  • Prácticas de Laboratorio (4.5 Hours)
  • Prácticas de Aula/Semina (4.5 Hours)
  • Clases Expositivas (11 Hours)
  • Tutorías Grupales (2.5 Hours)
Guía docente

The main goal of the Master’s Degree in “Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems” (EECPS Master) is the training of qualified staff in areas related to electrical energy management, emphasizing in power systems for renewable energies. The Master presents a double approach: scientific and professional. In the scientific thread, training focuses on the design of two main applications: Electrical Power Systems and Electrical and Hybrid Traction Systems. On the other hand, in the professional thread, training is focused on the management of electrical energy. Thus, the subjects of this thread have been designed attending to two main issues, such as the management of energy in large consumers and the generation and transmission of electrical energy in a liberalized market. Three main lines have been considered as keystones in the Master:

  • Electrical Power Systems

  • Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies

The third semester:

This subject belongs to the third semester (specialization stage). The third term has been designed according to two possible tracks: professional and research. This subject belongs to the second one. The scientific-research track approaches the technology development and the industrial design established in the specific competences of the master lines: "Power systems" and "Electric / Hybrid vehicle".

The subject:

In this subject, different power topologies and control methos for building flexible AC power systems, and High Voltage DC links between AC points are studied. The subject is focused on the analysis of power topologies, with an special consideration of VSC based power converters, including multipulse and multilevel topologies. Specific control techniques for this kind of systems is included as well.

It is a subject of the specialization stage; the student should handle the concepts expressed in the common stage of  the program (semester 2)

Basic Competences:

CB6     Be original in the development and application of ideas, within a research environment.

CB7     Solution of problem in new and unfamiliar multidisciplinary environments, related to its knowledge area.

CB8     Integration of knowledge, facing the complexity of issuing judgments and sentences parting from some information that includes ethic and social liability constraints.

CB9     Ability of communicating justified decisions and conclusions, to specialized and unspecialized listeners.

CB10   Ability of autonomous learning.


Generic Competences:

CG3     To know the fundamnetal mathematical tools used in the analysis, modelling and simualtion of power systems.

CG10   Ability to manage information: search, analysis and synthesis of the specific technical information.

CG11   Ability to assimilate and communicate information in English concerning technical

CG12   Ability to plan and organize work

CG13   Skills for critical reasoning, making decisions and making judgments based on information that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities of professional activity

CG14   Concern for quality and achievement motivation


Specific Competences:

CE3     Ability to understand the basics of the dynamic modelling of electrical power systems.

CE5     Characterization, operation and design of electronic topologies and control methods for electric energy conversion.

CE6       Identification of the main characteristics, design strategies and the constructive elements and materials of the Electrical Power Systems.

CE16       Ability to analyse the different strategies for grid connection, for both technical and economic points of view.



Learning Outcomes:

RA137 To understand the concept of flexible AC transmission.

RA138 To know the different existing FACTS devices and their operation.

RA139 To know and understand the operation of transmission systems (HVDC).

The classes are divided between “in-class work” and “homework”. Among the “in-class work” hours are divided in lectures, seminars, laboratory, group tutoring and evaluation sessions. Professor will use to expound the theoretical basis of the subject. However, active learning methods such as “class discussions”, “think-pare-share”, “short written exercises“ or ”student debates” will be applied in order to keep an active attitude.  Concepts stated in lectures must be applied to solve different types of problems or developing computer projects in seminars or computer lab respectively.  The group tutoring sessions will be used to discuss about the theoretical concepts explained in lectures or their application seminars or computer lab.

Exceptionally, in the event that health conditions require it, non-attendance teaching activities may be included. In this case, students will be informed of the changes made.

  • Reference Book: “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”. Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi. Wiley-IEEE Press, December. 1999. ISBN 978-0-7803-3455-7.
  • Sofware: Matlab/Simulink